Nurseries and plant propagation methods

Arboretum is a piece of land dedicated to the propagation and care of seedlings of various small to make it fit for transport to the place sustainable and provide nurseries usually means that facilitate the conduct of these operations
For the nurseries of great importance because they provide the foundation for sound-free seedlings of various diseases and harmful insects. Identical to the class in large numbers, in addition to its introduction of new varieties of plants, ornamental or fruit or vegetables and dissemination of cultivated and there are many types of nurseries, including
Specialized nurseries
A nursery that specializes producing a certain type of plants such as ornamental plants or fruit or vegetables
Nurseries mixed
It nurseries which produce more than one type of production to plants such as seedlings and ornamental fruit and vegetables
Conditions must be met when establishing nursery
First Site
Taken into account when electing the following site
1 - to be close to transportation routes to facilitate the transfer of seedlings and grafts other materials needed by the owner of the nursery, such as fertilizers, and other Anvils
2 - to be close to the sources of marketing and disposal of seedlings was being close to growing areas, fruit trees or residential areas
3 - We must be far from neglected orchards and infected to prevent the transmission of diseases and insects
4 - We must be close to the sources of silt to compensate Maevkdh of soil a year when you rip sustainable fruit seedlings with the soil around the roots
Second, the soil
Prefers fertile soil-free salts Wetlands of average strength is required to be free from the roots of trees and other plants as well as the jungles of malware. Must also be deep No where areas deaf to the depths of a few good drainage that at least the high water level ground where the 1.5 m throughout the year. preferably be measured by the hydrogen ion concentration (PH) to extract soil solution and modify it so that the appropriate growth of seedlings of different planting seedlings for example, prefers fruit green sustainable in the amount of 6.5 PH
Third, the availability of irrigation water
Must provide irrigation water and in sufficient quantities throughout the year and require that the water used for irrigation free of salts.'s Hardness where the use of brackish water to raise the hydrogen ion concentration in the soil and prefer to use the river water or drinking water for irrigation. In the case of the use of irrigation spray-preferably working basins to receive the water and remove impurities before pumped into the irrigation pipes spray-. In order to avoid shortages in irrigation water prefer to dig wells or the work of large basins is stored in water until needed, especially near the places they are grown seedlings that need constant attention and influenced thirsty. such as canopies and wooden greenhouses

5 - Studying the economic
This requires a case study of the market. Is the species that abound will meet the turnout in the market. Is it appropriate that the prices prevailing in economic terms and also the best of nursery cultivation intensity
After the completion of the election site and select the preferred planting windbreaks around the Arboretum from the harmful effects of wind and dust, and take into account when electing the trees used battering winds Miley
1 - to be a fast-growing
2 - to be sustainable greenery and good branching
3 - roots that grow in depth and vertical soil
4 - are not affected diseases and insects easily
It is the best windbreaks that can be used are the trees and cypress Alcazurina
AA is preferred that the sections of the nursery is divided into the following
First unit of the propagation
And includes all facilities used in the nursery plant propagation methods vegetative or sexual, such as greenhouses and wooden canopies, greenhouses, heated and cold pools and other facilities, nursery other
Secondly Services Unit
These include unit administration rooms. Rooms and storage shelters and wheel tractors and other machinery
Can be divided into the following business Arboretum
1 - plant propagation methods Nationality 0 seed) or vegetative methods
2 - Development of small plants to sizes suitable for marketing
Session of the Arboretum
A system which follows in the nursery for planting seedlings of different succession to achieve the following objectives
1 - Maintaining the level of the soil surface and not to fall in the section on the other. For example, is uprooting plants sustainable green from the ground portion of the soil around the roots, when uprooting of thousands of these plants from a certain part of the land of the nursery is raised huge amounts of soil with it. When the successive cultivation of such plants must be reduced a lot and the soil surface and weaken the affected properties. must in this case from the change of cultivated Bote Other Atqla with clay and so on so that the ramp surface of the soil again, a new soil
2 - to maintain the fertility of the soil and not Ajhadha, while maintaining the physical and chemical properties of good soil and disposal, which could leave some plants harmful effects or toxic substances on the part of the land of the nursery, in addition to that, the introduction of crops at the Arboretum maintains the fertility of the soil is of the face is stressful to the soil and the other hand working to improve the natural qualities of the soil and thus to get the balance between nutrients as a result of the varying needs of the plant in the succeeding session of the different nutrients,
3 - places of production of seedlings of any type of sustainable green groups and deciduous except for consecutive years without interruption
4 - no outbreaks of diseases and insects in the seedlings of the same species where the catch is usually of one type of plant pests and diseases in certain cases of repeated type of agriculture and one for several years leading to the settlement of these diseases and pests in that piece of land cultivated by the nursery
5 - organization of works of art that can be distributed throughout the year rather than assembled in a season where one can have a full-time and mastery
Points that must be taken into account when designing agricultural cycle to produce more than one type of vegetable
1 - determine the types of plants and brands to be produced and the required quantities of each item to the possibility of identifying the areas required
2 - to facilitate the operations of service and care for plants that prefer to be similar in their plants close to each other
3 - would prefer the introduction of legume crops in the session to be located in the session after the extraction plants Deciduous and for one season or two seasons
Nursery facilities used for the propagation
There are many types of facilities that can be used for the propagation of plants, such as greenhouses, greenhouses, canopies, docks, cold and the heater, and must contain a nursery on one of the establishments that I mentioned earlier, at least, either nurseries model must be available where facilities the following requirements
1 - places to control the environmental conditions such as greenhouses, bed heater, which can be used for the cultivation of the mind or the germination of seeds
2 - Aaamcn used for the purpose of adaptation of plants and protect young plants from damage, high temperatures, such as canopies, or places used for the purpose of protecting seedlings from damage to low temperatures, such as greenhouses
The following is a brief description of the main facilities used in the nursery
First greenhouse
Glass House is a structure of iron, aluminum or wood covered with a substance into force of light such as glass or the fibeer glass usually provide iPods and equipment which to control the environmental conditions inside the cooling devices such as heating and lighting
There are many types of greenhouses, including
1 - greenhouses attached to buildings Leam to Construction
Inhdrsagv this kind of one-way houses are built next to the buildings usually have direction from east to west roof slope and be the face of the South and to allow for the entry into force of the largest amount of sunlight
2 - Greenhouse truss with equal Even spam houses
Sliding roof in this type of houses equally towards both directions and the edge of the ceiling above the center of the house and the direction of the house will be from north to south to maximize sunlight
3 - Greenhouse gantry Uneven-spam houses
Descended three-quarters of the roof in this type of houses in one direction is usually toward the south either the remaining quarter Vinhdr towards the north, the southern slope allowed to expose to sunlight, suitable either the other quarter would ensure good ventilation, so the direction of this type of house from east to west
The limited use of greenhouses in the area of ​​propagation of plants following
1 - cultivation of the mind or seed or other plant parts that are used in breeding, which requires germination or entrench or growth to environmental factors especially temperature and moisture and light
2 - planting seeds in the untimely natural and the possibility to control the environmental conditions inside the greenhouses
3 - used for seedling growth and seedling stages of growth, especially if the first was a seedling needs to environmental factors, especially
And preferably provide Balmchatl greenhouse attached to a number of breeding ponds where this leaves open the docks or the clothes or glass cover in order to provide high humidity for use in implanting certain kinds of paper that may be reason to Atlaimha moisture inside the glass house
Canopies Lathheuses
The words for places will be within half shadowed the main objective of its establishment is to protect the cultivated plants in containers from damage, high temperatures in the summer, and it uses many of the other in the area of ​​propagation of plants such as Individualization of seedlings, planting plants, mothers and plant tender that need to be a shadow, planting seeds Some plants affected by the management of direct sunlight in summer, and vary the material is made of the structure of the canopy, it is made from wood which is the prevailing or columns from aluminum or columns from the concrete, and when the work structure of the wood used terraces, wooden, and a width of 5 cm which can control the shade can be provided within the canopies between a third to two thirds by the distance between the ruler and another, either when using the columns of concrete for the work of the temple is placed pole in the aspects of the lines away from each other by 4-6 meters, and then pass the wire, metal, country-specific over the columns of concrete and covered then the type of polyethylene, which is known colored saran There are many types which differ in the proportion of shade provided, and this percentage varies between 25-75%
And can adapt to the house of a plastic canopy and winter cover so transparent, where the clothes can be used to protect seedlings from damage to low winter temperatures
For the purpose of providing irrigation water within the canopy would be preferable to follow her basins suitable dimensions, and irrigation within the canopy is either manually or automatically and there is shaded his speech is available in spray-irrigation system
Greenhouse Plastic-covered green houses
Structure of iron or wood or aluminum, it looks like a greenhouse, but the sides and roof covered with the clothes instead of glass, and using polyethylene on a large scale because of its lower price and ease of use and disadvantages of the short duration of extinction, which must be replaced after a year or two years of use
Greenhouses are used to save cultivated plants in containers from damage to low temperatures in winter can also be used for the production of traditional birth attendants some vegetable crops in early summer
In the summer, the house can be covered by plastic or brown colored cloth to provide shade inside, and cooled using air coolers, where used in this case to maintain the plants that need high temperatures with relatively high humidity
Shrines Cold Cold beds
Use these shrines in areas with winter Dafi and plants the seed or the mind early in the spring may also be used for the adaptation of seedlings, and either be the resting places of temporary works of wood or resting places of permanent works of cement, contain the most basic kinds of two sheets of wood thickness of 5.2 cm and height 40 -50 cm placed Allohan opposite on the ground and buried beneath the soil the direction of the panels from east to west so that they are faced shrine tilted to the south and that the work of the north wall Baartvaa 10-15 cm higher than the south wall of works with a cover glass lift joints and opens in the daytime partially closed during the night, and could be replaced by a piece of cover glass transparent plastic, these shrines are introduced either 180 cm length shall be as needed and usually placed in the south of the buildings
Warm bed Hotbeds
These basins of bricks or cement is common to build above the soil surface in the form of a rectangular sink extends from east to west and is the south side as low as 10-15 cm on the north side to make room for the largest proportion of the sunlight to enter into the tub and to facilitate the decline of rain water, either View shrine Vamufdil be 100 cm in the circumstances Our country of Iraq, placed in the bottom of the shrine a light layer of gravel, heated with these shrines in several ways, including hot water, steam water, electricity or animal manure is dissolved, and the method is the last of the simplest ways and least expensive usually called Heating of biological and are using animal manure fermented new, where are placed spreading it thick, 20-30 cm settled well and then sprayed with water to help dissolve the fertilizer, which in turn leads to give a suitable temperature inside the shrine to help the heats and then add a layer of sand and boil heat ratio of 1:1 depth of 15-20 cm and settled well, you are planting seeds or mind after 2-4 days with a layer of sand and Dimple

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