Lepoxygenase enzyme in vegetables and fruits

LOX) is an enzyme found in many plants and animals, but there is an abundance of grain legume seeds Calfasolia, peas and potatoes.
* This enzyme speeds up the process of oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids ((PUFA Hedrubiroxidat for the formation of fatty acids.
This enzyme from different sources stimulates the oxidation at several points along the carbon chain * This is called positional accuracy and precision of these results are important for the metabolism of Alheidrobiroxeidat caused to many of the important outputs.
 where the oxygen is located at the oxidation on the carbon atom 9 or 12 to produce 9 or 13 Hedrubiroksid corresponding acid.
The linoleic acid and linolenic acid from the more unsaturated fatty acids in plants  Home.
In addition to food-related applications for this enzyme as an industry  bread and the production of aromatic compounds, it has negative effects on color and production of undesirable odors.
In many applications can use the raw plant material or extracts  container on this enzyme, but such materials often contain multiple enzymes that can reduce the saturated fatty acids is available Kirkazp of this enzyme, or metabolized products Alhedrubiroksid.
Allepoksginaz content in plants:
There is sufficient evidence that LOXs are important elements in strategies to defend  Plant:
It has been shown that the removal of a specific type of lox from the leaves of tobacco by engineering  Genetic prevents strain of tobacco that is resistant to Phytophthora parasitica var strain sensitive to them, and although the mechanism of resistance, this is not known but this result shows that the lox is an essential part of this resistance.
Many plants respond to insect  injuries or wounds, the production of Jasmonate and activate genes Albrocnz installed in both the infected leaves and non-infected.
Remove lox activity induced wounds in the leaves of potato  removes Jasmonate production and / or installed Albrocnz, leading to increased vulnerability to insect attack.
In French bean leaves, which are resistant to Pseudomonase  syringae pv phaseolcola believed to be a result of the activity of lox, which constitutes Hedrubiroksid acids produces aldehydes bednets quantities of bacteria (bacteriocidal) and this plays the role of protection against the attack Pseudomonase.

Oxidation catalytic mechanism for LOX:
 catalytic mechanism of oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, suggested two different ways and Air Bags.
Iron content: containing enzyme molecules on the iron atom and one of these  corn are in a high level in the form of iron Tnathi in the steady state of the enzyme, which should oxidize to iron triple output interaction (Hedrubiroksid acid or Peru master hydrogen) before activation catalyst oxidation, and as a result of this requirement for oxidation of iron in the enzyme there is a noticeable slowdown when used with enzyme substrates pure fatty acids.
Enzyme extracted hydrogen atom specifically Almaitln  overlapping groups of the acid is saturated fat at a rate limited transformation of iron to iron Duo.
And then the enzyme complex - Islands alkyl oxidized molecule of oxygen to the enzyme complex  - Islands peroxy under aerobic conditions before the transfer of an electron from the iron atom to the peroxy group.
A positive charge and the disintegration of the enzyme allows the formation  Hedrubiroksid.
As under aerobic conditions is separated from the root of the alkyl complex enzyme  - Islands alkyl and produces complex, including binaries and ketones and Iepokseidat radical reactions.
Mmakpat Allepoksginaz:
Enzyme (linoleate oxygen oxidoreductase),  EC1.13.11.12) resides in the plant and animal tissues are widely used.
 LOX stimulates the oxidation of fatty acids containing cis unit - 4-1 Bntaddein coupled to form coupled Hedrubiroxidat acids.
Where the activity of this enzyme requires the presence of fatty acids is saturated with free  We have a variety Bmmakpat differ among themselves to PH and to identify the ideal product and the substrate.
LOX from soybean seed is the most outstanding among plant LOXs  which stimulates the oxidation of linoleic acid and linolenic acid leads to the production of many interactive molecules, which explain the grassy taste of the beans in the food soybean processing.

There are four compounds isolated from soybeans: 
1 - soy enzyme lox-1: the ideal PH is a 9.0 which affects only the unsaturated fatty acids free, where the 9 and 13 Hedrubiroksid by 1:9 at normal temperature. And some types of LOX oxidation participatory presence of carotenoids (PUFAs).
This type of enzyme used for bleaching wheat flour, which plays the role of improved bread and assistant treatment values ​​during the evolution of the dough.
2. Enzyme soy lox-2: the PH has a perfect 6.8 and it affects the tri glycerides in addition to PUFAs)), which accounts for 9 and 13 Hedrubiroksid rate of 1:1 at normal temperature.
Exclusive color can refer either to the degradation of fresh vegetables such as French beans or yellow fruit products as carotenoids are important natural pigments and antioxidants.
Studies have shown that the lox type 2 and 3 of soybeans, peas and wheat are the presence of Candida hemoglobin linoleic acid, but most studies recorded for the oxidation of the participatory type 1.
May indicate that this enzyme and under conditions not appear  aerobic oxidation of participatory activities, the existence of strong (PUFA) or acyl Hedrubiroksid contrast, while under aerobic conditions is the catalyst is not sufficient for the interaction of bleach.
3. Enzyme soy lox-3: It is similar to lox-2 activity, but proves the existence of calcium ions while lox-2 activates the presence of metals.
4. Enzyme soy lox-4: It is similar to lox-3 but it can be separated by gel filtration chromatography or electrophoresis.
Some applications of enzymes loxs:
Which Kpat LOX generally classified as type - 1, which owns PH ideal within the region  alkaline which is determined to free fatty acids and the second type, which is ideal for PH activity in the temperate zone which cause oxidation of carotenoids participatory.
 the ability of soy enzyme of the second kind on the bleaching of the carotenoids received a special application by adding soy flour to wheat flour in the manufacture of white bread.
The wheat flour up to  itself contains small amounts of LOX effective, but is abundant in soybeans and usually provide the wheat flour with 0.5% of enzyme active soy flour.

From other applications 's lox include whitening products, noodles and cheese whey, wheat bran and rice.
 tissue found in many plant enzymes, which cause Alheidrobiroxeidat shift to other products, some of which are important vehicles are the flavor.
Of these enzymes: 
hydroperoxide lyase:  which stimulates the form aldehydes and oxo acids.
hydroperoxide-dependent  peroxygenase and epoxygenase: that stimulate the formation of: hydroxy fatty acids epoxy and.
And hydroperoxide isomerase, which stimulates the formation of: 
epoxyhydroxy fatty acids and trihydroxy fatty acids
Results on the activity of lox volatile flavors are similar to those produced during the oxidation  self, although the relative sizes of components that could change dramatically depending on the type and conditions of the enzyme reaction.
Lox potato is thoughtful enough  enzyme but is considered unusual as enzymes in plants is similar to mammalian Lox, which stimulates the oxidation of fatty acids is saturated and containing 20 carbon atoms such as acid to form Aloracedonbug -15 hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid.
 Therefore, this enzyme is particularly important because of the large availability and use of a model and an alternative animal enzyme. The raw material in biologically active compounds.
Containing tomatoes (tomatoes) on the activity  lox-9, where there CPAN, which at least two of this enzyme.
This enzyme causes the color to break  diced tomatoes (tomatoes) during frozen storage and to prevent the deterioration of color during storage were covered cubes tomatoes Balnchae rate.
In apples was observed to increase the activity  lox before enzymatic browning so it can also be responsible for enzymatic browning.
Inhibition of oxidation of lox:
Poaching: 
Is the installer for the enzymes caused by unwanted changes during processing and subsequent storage of the products, in addition to that, the boiling has many advantages Kthbatip color and improve the strength and the decrease in the microbial census.
As the vegetables cook to a temperature high enough to discourage the POD is generally sufficient to destroy the enzyme is desired.
Lox and is used as an indicator in determining the appropriate boiling, as the most important in determining the storage stability of frozen vegetables.
Lox  can inhibit heat at a temperature higher than C 60, but heating can lead to increased non-enzymatic oxidation and this oxidation can not exceed because of LOXs.
 as well as appropriate methods for fatty food preservation from corruption is the oxidative deoxygenation of food during processing and packaging, and packing it under vacuum using an inert gas.
 but difficult to achieve the level of oxygen less than 1% in an environment products.
Must also fill  liquid oils in opaque containers to avoid oxidation of photosynthesis

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