Dates and health benefits

Dates or dates or wet or Albesr is the fruit of palm trees, the fruit of summer scattered than the scope in the Arab world. Divided by strength-Balah, a dry-Balah (Dates), which contains a high degree of sugar, half dry dates (Pressed), and soft-Balah and varies in color between yellow and red.
Balah richness of natural sugars, reaches (glucose) to 70% of its components, a rapid absorption of sugars and easy representation in the body, supplying the body with a capacity of 3470 calories per 1 kg.
Fmaip grams of dates contain:
• (40 - 72 mg phosphorus and 65-71 mg calcium) important to the formation of bones and teeth and nerve tissue.
• 790 mg potassium is important for the physiology of different cells.
• 150 mg magnesium task of voluntary muscles.
• 2 - 4 mg iron.
• 9 mg sodium.
• 65 mg sulfur.
• 28 mg chloride.
• 3 mg chlorine.
• Vitamins A, D, B and B2.
In el-Balah worth twice as much food in the types of meat value, and three times higher than in fish from the nutritional value where the protein is estimated at 1.9% - 2%.
Is made from molasses, dates, juices and jams, and added to ice cream and baby food instead of sugar, and brings in the manufacture of soft drinks and alcohol and vinegar.
Contains a substance caution wet uterine contractions and increase the contraction, especially during childbirth, {This article OXYTOCIN oxytocin-like substance secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland PITUITARY GLAND, and help to make a contraction in the uterus}.
When The labor to Mary, and August to a palm tree Vadaha caller to tell her to shake the trunk of The Palm-based it to eat from the wet fallout, as stated in the Koran, (and shake the trunk of the palm to fall fresh ripe dates upon * I feel very much and drink and villages in kind), (Mary 25 - 26).
According to ancient medicine: {in el-Balah cooler and stiffness, a benefit of the mouth and gums and the stomach, but Albesr is hot dry and Ibsa more of free dry humidity, and tanning the stomach and locked up the abdomen and to benefit the gums and mouth and Onfh what was fragile and sweet and the large number of eating and eating dates occurs Sudd in the gut}.

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