Cultivation of forage alfalfa

Alfalfa is a perennial forage crops from the soil by saying the leaves in the ground 3-5 years, a good proportion of feed for high productivity and contain a high proportion of protein in addition to the high degree Astsaghth and its high digestibility.
Alfalfa has a high capacity to adapt to different types of soils and weather conditions. In the UK, is a major forage crop alfalfa and types of local features to its susceptibility to cope with high temperatures and high soil salinity and the best soils for cultivation is a light clay soil with good drainage, or sandy clay containing a low percentage of dissolved salts, alkalinity 6.5 to 7.5.

1 - the cradle of seed processing:
Are processing the soil for cultivation Bhrattha plowing at least one tiller Alzenberki at a depth of 30-40 cm, and is cracking blocks mud-large by the harrow, and then after that is the process of settlement of the soil surface by machinery of the settlement, as there should not be places of low resulting in pools of water in the field causing problems with root rot should also be under the soil surface loose enough to allow infiltration of water over long distances, which ensures good root formation. In the system of flood irrigation should be settling basins and flatten and strengthened.

2 - Planting Date:
Can be planted alfalfa in Arutin year: first in October and November and the other in February and March, is the cultivation of alfalfa in the fall in the months of October and November is better than planting in the spring in February and March is usually alfalfa grown in the fall, stronger than the clover seasons other As the cold winter months to ensure the survival of plants in good condition until the spring planting of alfalfa in the spring are more prone to failure as the temperature may rise unexpectedly to 25 degrees higher installed, which weakens the germination process and therefore weakens productivity.

3 - the rate of agriculture:
For fodder production under irrigation system, the central recommended rate of seeding 35-40 kg per hectare of seed vitality high if agriculture machines underline the regular and any amount more than 40 kilograms per hectare from the seeds of a high dynamic not be a real impact on production is up cultivation of the field twice Mtaamd used each time the rate of sowing 20 kg per hectare in the case of the use of Albmarp air like Albmarp (Rapid), it is sufficient at sowing 30 kg per hectare and in the quality of seeds obtained by the farmer be of vital degrees, he recommended taking the following formula as a guide to determine the amount of seed true that you must use:

The recommended amount of seed (35-40 kg per ha) = amount of seed to be used
Rate × percentage of purity of vital
Example: If a farmer has decided to use the 35 kilometers in grams per hectare and you get the seeds of purity 95% and 90% by the vitality, the seed to be used effectively equal to:
35 ÷ 95% × 90% = 40,9 kg ha
Must be careful in the use of clover seed treatment with bacteria Streptococcus in order to reduce the later of the quantities of urea fertilizer that the plant needs.

4 - fertilization:
To determine the proper dose of fertilizer should be required to first take a sample of soil and irrigation water to a specialized laboratory. After determine the number of elements in the soil laboratory estimated amounts necessary to add artificial fertilizers and in any case it is customary in the Kingdom of the addition of fertilizer at the following rates:
- Agriculture is by scattering 50 kilograms of fertilizer (DAP).
- Within two months after planting (the month of November and December):
A - add 100 kg per hectare of urea to activate the bacteria Streptococcus.
B - add 30 liters per hectare of the compound acid 8:52:2.
T - Add the elements of a rare rate of 3 kg per hectare.
- In February prose is 100 kilograms per hectare of urea fertilizer.
- And then after that is after all the desolation of adding 1 as a hectare of trace elements and 10 liters per hectare fertilizer acid 8:52:2 (in two) In the case of Streptococcus suis is not successful it must after all the desolation of the add 100 per hectare as urea fertilizer.

5 - Ctja v water:
In the first week of agriculture needs alfalfa soil moist, and it must run the machine gun on a permanent basis until the germination of seeds and after germination maintains the program irrigate regularly so that the proportion of moisture in the field for 20% and not continue to wilt leaves for more than 24 hours taking into account the count m confused between stress resulting from lack of water and between the drooping leaves in the afternoon due to excessive transpiration. to use water more than necessary causing the loss of water and encourages the growth of harmful Alaasha b is caused to encourage the growth of fungal diseases.

6 - weed control:

After plowing the field, before planting the seeds of alfalfa Rhee preferably a few days to grow the seeds of weeds and the remnants of the previous crop grain remaining in the soil. After this process of plant breeding is cut Alaasha b germinated by harrow. And can repeat this process back v Mra T to get rid of a large as possible from the seeds of Alaasha b in the soil. After agriculture may show some herbal plants in the field are one of the control herbicides such as specialized pesticide (Sankor) of herbs and pesticide petition (Imatrani) for the high grass.

7 - the most important insects:
A - Manna and struggling to use a systemic pesticide such as Aldaimothwait.
B - earthworms papers and Sousse papers and recommended the use of pesticide Alcyprmitrin rate of half a liter per hectare and shall not provide fodder for cattle sprayed only after a period of prohibition is recommended by the manufacturer.

8 - the most important diseases:
The most important diseases are leaf clover mosaic Zoghbi and white flour and white and rust and can be controlled using fungicides occasion.

9 - Harvest:
Is usually Bamahcp hand-holdings or small machine to the holdings of large and harvested alfalfa when the proportion of flowering and 10% and stop irrigation a few days before the harvest to dry the field and facilitate the process of harvesting can be obtained at 10-12's share in the year between 25-35 days between cutting and the other. To regain the growth of alfalfa should be cut so that leaves 50-10 centimeters above the soil surface.

10 - fodder production:
Average forage production within the limits of 115 tons per hectare green feed or 20-22 tons of dry forage per year from 10-12 inhospitable. Animal Nutrition and on the alfalfa alone causes emphysema, which may lead to the death of the animal so it is advisable to add another feed with alfalfa to avoid bloat.

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