Honey Bees

Is the aromatic substance thick textures sweet result from collecting bees to nectar flowers and transferred to a thick liquid textures and in order to bring bee one kilogram of honey they move between flowers distance equivalent to 11 times as much as the Earth's circumference around the equator and the different types of honey depending on the source of nectar in terms of
(Color, taste, smell and ability to shape and density and alkaline and
There are other factors also affect the characteristics of honey such as the type of soil, air and other factors so it is rare for similar samples of honey, even if just one source Rahiqi

And produces the base color of the honey of the components are dissolved in the honey out of a vegetarian source of nectar is also affected by the color of honey is also temperature tend honey color to the color dark if heated up the temperature in the season nectar as honey mountain honey, lotus seeds, nigella and mountain-Murr (affectionate) has proven to that honey contains a large amount and variety of vitamins is also characterized by that it can save more vitamin components of fruits or vegetables.

Honey contains the following articles

Sugars such as group
(Glucose - fructose - Dquistrattrayoz - Ravuz - Melezim - Xtoz - Arloz Aizumltoz - Mmeltuluz - turanose - Nnigeroz - Maltuluz - Koajabioz - Nuotobwazz - Jontbioz - to Aminariboz - Melezim ........)

(B-1 Thiamin - Riboflavin B-2 - Pantothenic 3 - to 4 Necotiik - niacin at 5 - to 6 - to 8 - to 9 - Vitamin K - ascorbic c - beta carotene which is converted in the liver to vitamin A - Biotin H 0000)

Group enzymes
(Invertase - amylase - Alkataliz - phosphatase - a Gelokosidiz - Glucose Oxidase - B amylase)

Group minerals:
(Iron - Copper - Phosphorus - Magnesium - Sodium - Calcium - sulfur - would like - Manganese - potassium - silica - chlorine - Selene ... ... ...)

Group acids
(Citric acid - lactic - acetic - formic acid - butyric - tannic - oxalic ... ... ... ....)

Group proteins:
(Beptun - Alpimin - globulin - Nikilobrotin ... ... ... ... ..)

Honey bees natural tendency to crystallization at low temperature for the minimum temperature beehive, which is 20 degrees Celsius and vary the speed and the temperature of crystallization of each type of honey for the other type differ according to the source Rahiqy

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