The most important considerations and general guidelines to be observed when installing the diets of cattle

The most important considerations and general guidelines to be observed when installing the diets of cattle

Affected by the production process of domestic animals on two factors, namely:
1 - Legacy Group USA: It is a total hereditary structures that determine the productivity and the formal qualities of the animal
2 - Environmental Working Group: includes factors that surround the animal and its impact, namely:
3 - nutrition factor: The most important factors affecting production
4 - working accommodation: this includes the fold of the animal and secured from the health conditions of temperature and humidity, ventilation and cleanliness and thus animal welfare
5 - pathogens: bacterial, fungal, viral, of their negative impact on production
And to show the full capabilities Alorthip potential of the animal is not necessary to secure the ideal environmental conditions, especially nutrition, which is the most important factors at all
We will review the animal feed in this lecture

Chemical composition of the feed material

Dry feed material is composed entirely of the following vehicles:
1 - the metal: and include metal salts, micro-(iron. Cobalt. Manganese. Magnesium. .......... Iodine, etc.) and major (calcium. Phosphorus. ........ Potassium, etc.) They constitute the ash when burning a food item until the stability of weight.

2 - organic material: This includes:
A - nitrogen compounds (protein, the real - non-protein nitrogen)
B - Vehicles carbohydrates: sugars (single and double and triple) and complex (starch and Alsllowes)
C - Grease: real (solid fats and oils) and complex (cholesterol)
D - Vehicle dynamic (effective): vitamins, enzymes

To judge the value of any feed material of the destination food it is not enough knowledge of the chemical analysis and assessment of the content of nutrients known chemical methods, but rather must know the digestibility of this article, and thus use a standard food

Food standards used to estimate the values ​​of ruminant feed, food standards are used to express the act of nutrients in the animal body and in the evaluation of feed ingredients and nutritional value in knowledge production, and in the comparison between them has emerged a set of patterns to estimate the values ​​of food and most important:
1 - Total indigestible food ingredients TDN:
TDN = protein digested + Alkrbuhedrat indigestible + indigestible fiber + fat digested X 2.25.

1 g TDN = 4.41 kcal.
2 - equivalent to the pattern of starch EA: based on the estimate of the energy value of food to the proportional relationship between what they contain undigested food components and between the amount of energy retained by the animal tissues and proven in the form of fat is essential.
And does not reflect here about the net energy per kilo calorie of food, but attributed to the net energy of starch and is 2.36 kcal / g for the so-called equivalent starch EA.

EA = EA / 2.36 kg starch / 100 g food.

3 - modern patterns: the European Union adopted two types of animal production to estimate the values ​​of food energy:
1 - the pattern of net energy for milk production.
2 - stretching the net energy for maintenance and meat production capacity in megabytes NEL Gul.
Adopted the pattern of protein digested in the small intestine to estimate the values ​​of food protein

The importance of the balance of types of carbohydrates in the diet:

The balanced diet for compounds of carbohydrates is a prerequisite for the growth and proliferation and the activity of bacteria in the rumen, because any imbalance in the rates and specifications of carbohydrates in the diet leads to an imbalance in the acid medium of the rumen and this imbalance leads to disorder in the function of rumen bacteria.
When increased amounts of carbohydrates are easy to digest (concentrated feed - starches easy decomposition) lead to a drop in pH and this is not appropriate for the life of bacteria in the rumen and its activity and hamper the process of fermentation of natural science that bacteria rumen need to the amount of sugar and starch are easy to digest unnecessary vitality However, it must not exceed the amount of 8-12% of the total dry matter.
Therefore it is necessary the availability of crude fiber in the diet (cellulose - Imoselloz), where these fibers are digested in the rumen and the microbial fermentation and volatile fatty acids results in the following order of the speed of absorption:
1 - acetic acid.
2 - acid butter.
3 - propionic acid.
Dry feed (hay and good) to increase the proportion of acetic acid improved the fat
Green herbs propionic acid milk sugar
Concentrated feed acid butter a major source of energy

The proportion of volatile fatty acids resulting from fermentation of carbohydrates and fat in the rumen to some of them are not fixed and varies according to the installation of the bush, handled the animal diet rich in fiber raw leads to increase the proportion of acetic acid, while addressing the diet with high content of starch (high content of concentrate) the amount of volatile fatty acids generally increases, the percentage of acetic acid to propionic acid and low acid butter.
The optimum ratio between acetic acid and propionic acid for the production of milk should be 5: 1 and can be reduced when the calves to 2: 1 and can be achieved by using diets containing a percentage of crude fiber to dairy cows for fattening calves 12-15%.
The high content of fat diet has the same effect of increasing feed easy to digest and rich in starch which leads to a decrease in the digestion of cellulose thus increasing propionic acid.
Ruminating process: This process is essential and necessary for ruminants for the following reasons

1 - while taking feed is not cut and it is done during the process of Ruminating.
2 - secretion of saliva in cattle continues, but the major amount excreted during the process and Ruminating is necessary to modify the acidity of the rumen.
Affected by the process of installing Ruminating bush to a large degree as the increase in the amount of concentrated feed easy digestion leading to a decrease in the process of Ruminating and thus to a decrease in the amount of saliva glands and the increase in the acidity of the rumen, leading to rumen pH (acid and Zeiss).

The effects of diet in the acidity of the rumen:

1 - diets rich in fiber raw 60-100% filler feed:

*- Rumination continues for a long time and a large amount of secretion of saliva.
*- The pH of the rumen PH = 6-6.8 high concentration of propionic acid and slow absorption.
*- Central rumen bacteria suitable for the loose cellulose.
*- Content of high-fat milk.
*- Diets rich in forage Centre 30-35% filler feed:
*- Rumination lasts for a short time and the secretion of a small amount of saliva.
1 - a decrease in pH of rumen PH = 5.5 - 6.
2 - content of low fat milk.

In the event that the amount of energy is not sufficient, the less microbial protein synthesis despite the presence of a sufficient quantity of protein and nitrogen-bearing materials.
Microbial balance in the analysis of protein and nitrogen-bearing materials up to provide the optimal level when the diets containing 16% crude protein and energy content of 600 units of starch / kg.
The lifting of the content of the diet of protein above 16% does not mean securing a larger amount of animal protein, but a mean increase in the amount of ammonia in the rumen and to stress in the liver and is forced to the health of the animal.

Feedstuffs and the terms used in nutrition
Materials are classified according to forage chemical composition and the method used in three main groups:
1 - set feed coarse (filler):
The proportion of crude fiber in which more than (18-20%) and include:
A - fresh green feed: such as alfalfa. Clover. Vetch green. Corn. Sugar beet leaves and crowns. Silage. Remnants of vegetation and plant leaves.
B - dry feed: such as hay. Straw. Ohtab corn. Cottonseed. Peel.

2 - A group concentrated feed:
Where the proportion of crude fiber not more than (10-20%) and be:
Vegetable origin:
A - energy-rich foods: for example,
- Grassy grains (maize. Yellow. Barley. Oats)
Wheat bran. Dregs of beer. Alco rarely spat B - a protein-rich: such as:
- Grain legumes (beans. Aljelbanp. Walker years. More)
- Waste oils, such as factories Alocassap (cotton cake, shelled and non-
Hulled sesame and soy) and the sugar mills (molasses)
a. Animal origin: remnants of dairy plants, fish, slaughterhouses and meat and remnants of the poultry industry (and which is used currently waste remaining in the wards after the end of the production cycle is made up of these waste mainly from glaucoma which a proportion of / 60% / and of Article mattress core ( Sawdust is often), which is roughly equivalent to / 31% / of the waste, where there are also remnants of feed given to poultry by about 3% and feathers falling by 2% and various other materials related to the rate of 2% of the waste
The poultry waste is rich in protein and minerals essential, such as calcium and phosphorus and is considered an essential nutrient for animals in poor areas of food, the percentage of dry matter to 85% and the proportion of crude protein up to 25% and the proportion of crude fiber up to 16.8% and ash 17.5 % fat and 3.2%.)

Group feed additives:
They include the materials added to the mix to offset the feed mix is ​​divided into: metal supplements - vitamin supplements - supplements specialized (to improve the exchange of materials or prevention of disease or to raise the quality of feed and improve the appearance and taste

We must consider the following when you use concentrated feed in the diet of cows:
• The amount of concentrated feed used on the production of milk and consumed feed fillers.
• The quality concentrate feed should be provided in the diet on the type and quality of feed filler used in nutrition.

The choice of materials for the feed composition of economic diet:
To configure the bush economic productivity of raw materials should be chosen carefully and accurate and based on the unit price of energy and protein and not on the basis of the price of the article:
The unit price of energy price = 100 kg feed ÷ number of units of energy in 100 kg
The unit price of protein = 100 kg feed rate ÷ number of units of protein in 100 kg

Specifications bush good:
The most important specifications and conditions of installation of the diet are:
1. Cover the entire need of animal protein and energy, elements and mineral salts and vitamins.
• ensure the restoration of the body and keep it ....( portfolio diet)
• ensure adequate growth and natural cow boys ... (diet growth)
• guarantee the preservation of good health status of cattle
• ensure the production of milk and meat on an economic basis through .. (productivity)
Exploit the full power of hereditary milk production
Milk production in terms of the attributes of a good proportion of fat and protein.
*- Guarantee the achievement of breeding and natural breeding.
*- Ensure access to good birth weight and general health status and size .....( diet pregnancy)
(Good fertilization, pregnancy and reproduction within the normal periods)
*- Be balanced in terms of content of protein and energy, minerals and salts and vitamins.
*- Contain sufficient quantities of feed fiber-rich coarse fillers such as: green fodder. .. Hay silage
These would be the basis of the feed components of the diet dry matter and would be addressed by the cow from these feeds at least
35% of the total amount of dry matter intake in order to avoid digestive and metabolic disorders and thus insuring the work of functional natural and good for the stomach as well as ensuring the production of milk attributes of a good private-fat ratio
*- That all feed within the feed free of pollutants and toxic effects of disease and Aallnip.
*- Be palatable and pleasant to the cows.
*- Do not have any effect on the taste and smell of milk.
*- Be low cost and economic returns to lead a good economic
General principles to be implemented when feeding ruminants
To be an economic payoff and proper nutrition is essential for farmers to follow the following
1 - acquisition of good breeds, because production depends mainly on genetic traits.
2 - animal health care and protection from diseases and parasites to get the best results of nutrition.
3 - Choose a diet appropriate for each animal separately and given quantities to ensure maximum access to the end of the various production without an increase or decrease.
4 - will be given Aliqth and watering the animal in a timely manner and taking into account the cleanliness of the barn, ventilation, etc. ..............
5 - the provision of green forage throughout the year so that the manufacture of feed hay or silage in the months where there is no green fodder
6 - animal exposure to the sun directly without having to be booked within the barns during the day .....( vitamin D)
7 - must be available to the breeder tables analysis for the food and feed materials that has the ability to read and use in the composition of diets.
8 - dependence in the composition of the diet as much as possible on the feed materials are cheap and at the same time achieving the requirements of the food.
9 - must be a dry matter resulting from the Forage Extenders coarse involved in the composition of the mixture ratio of not less than 30-35% of the amount of total dry in the bush and to secure the required percentage of crude fiber for the work of the rumen natural and to avoid digestive disorders, metabolic and to achieve the specifications good milk output especially on the proportion of fat.
10 - You should always use good coarse feed and exclude the bad and rotten ones.
11 - make sure of the weight of all feed materials used in the formation and observance of the bush to use them within the allowable ratio.
12 - not to alter any of the materials within the feed ration in the first half of the milking season.
13 - in the event of having to switch some of the materials within the feed ration is done gradually and not immediately as may be caused by disorders of the digestive and metabolic (puff - glut) and a decline in milk production and low fertility.
14 - Do not use feed materials have an impact on the health of cows.
15 - Do not use feed materials have an undesirable effect on the taste and texture of milk.
16 - the use of appetite and feed material palatable to the cows.
17 - Aliqp need to complete the constituent minerals and vitamins and agreed that the required and the correct proportions.
18 - away from the waste and make sure the intake of cows for the entire amount allocated to them.
19 - Nutrition is by levels of production and installation of Bolaf Good
20 - not to increase the amount of concentrate feed when you do not increase the amount of milk because that would lead to economic loss and an increase in metabolic disorders and diseases.
21 - prefer to secure the green forage throughout the year because it believes in good health of the herd and milk production costs less.
22 - does not provide green fodder at one in the manger, but must put in two or three or more
23 - should not be given an incomplete alfalfa growth because they lead to emphysema.
24 - alfalfa does not provide a dewy look after cows and do not leave in the morning dew on the fields, but must make a little hay before the cows out to pasture so as to avoid bloat.
25 - non-use of green maize in the first period of growth are the same toxic effect and you can use after drying.
26 - prefer to cut corn stalks before they are submitted for the cows.
27 - does not give the cabbage leaves and broccoli a large amount in excess of 10 kg per day because it leads to giving the milk smell and the taste is acceptable and can cause colic for the cows.
28 - thrones carrots good for the cows and the effect that the clutch is light but give huge amounts of it to give milk, green
29 - can take advantage of the thrones of the potato in feeding cattle, provided that the plants begin Basferrar, because the small thrones containing a toxic substance.
30 - Do not give large amounts of cows from alien thrones potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, because they cause few milk yield and diarrhea.
31 - non-use of Thrones infected fungal diseases because they cause mucoid discharge liquid from the mouth and show tumors in the legs of cattle and infected sores.
32 - sugar beet leaves are used in a limited way in nutrition because they cause diarrhea of ​​cattle and can be given a rate of 10 kg per adult cow plus 50 g limestone powder.
33 - should be dried cow before 60 days from birth and not to give the cow feed the center and that the injection-quarters of the udder Basarat drying protects cows from the alien infection in the udder of next season.
34 - The increase in dry cattle feed lead to a decrease in milk production in the coming season and lack of fertility and damage to health (HIV sugar), and any increase in costs and therefore loss of material.

The nutritional needs of cattle

1 - bovine before the process of developing the production of milk from the old (0) and until the last month of pregnancy:
Month-old average weight (kg) daily requirements (portfolio + growth)
Dry matter (kg) starch equivalent (g) digested protein (N)
0 - 3702-31400 290
3 - 61403-52200 340
6 - 122204-62200 370
12 - 183006-82800 430
18 - 244007-93100 470
Last Month Download 4507-94300 800
Cows producing milk:
Gallery: 100 kg live weight you need to: 545-580 g starch equivalent
50-70 g protein digested
Productivity: the production of 1 kg milk fat increased by 3.5% needs to be: 265 g equivalent starch 55 g protein digested
Growth: Cow Milking in the first season you need every day to: 700 g starch equivalent 350 g protein digested
Cow Milking in the second season you need: 260 g starch equivalent
130 g protein digested
Download: In the eighth month are given the cow diet as if it produces 5 kg milk

In the ninth month given cow diet like milk produces 10 kg
- Estimated rations portfolio of minerals for cattle per 100 kg live weight:
4-6 g calcium and 2.5 - 3 g phosphorus and 5 g salt
Estimated rations of the necessary minerals to produce 1 kg milk:
2 - 2.5 g calcium, phosphorus, 2 g 2 g salt and 10000 IU vitamin A

The amount of bush on the basis of dry matter per day: 100 kg live weight you need
5.2 to 5.3 kg dry matter / day (5.2 to 5.3% of body weight)
And is calculated as follows: the amount of dry matter fully covered by the Animal = (0.025 × body weight) + (0.1 × the amount of milk)

Requirements for fattening calves
Divided into three stages of the fattening stages:
M phase of calf weight (kg)
1 Stage I 100-200
2 Phase II 200-300
3 Phase III 300-400

And determine the daily food requirements of the calf in grams for an increase in weight 900 g per day as follows:
Phase weight
Kg dry matter starch equivalent crude protein digested protein calcium, phosphorus sodium vitamin
The international unit of vitamin
International Unit
First 100-200 4500 2400 600 415 40 20 4 10000 1000
Sec 200-300 6000 3700 760 492 40 20 6 15000 1500
Third 300-400 8000 4800 874 542 40 20 8 20000 2000

The installation of three feed mixtures fattening calves (which is untested) for fattening stages as follows:
Article first phase a second phase of a third phase
Barley, 677 280
Wheat bran 18.5 1515
Earners cotton shell 15 10:50
Limestone 2:52 a
Salt 0.5 0.5 0.5
Total 100
These mixtures were analyzed to know the nutritional value shows the following:
First phase a second phase of a third phase
Dry matter% 89.5 89.8 90.4
Starch equivalent 65.6% 66.6 67.8
T.D.N% 75.5 76.6 77.9
Crude protein% 14.9 14.1 12.1
Digested protein 11.4% 10.6 8.9
Calcium 1.08% 0.89 0.51
Phosphorus% 0.41 0.39 0.35
Sodium% 0.22 0.22 0.22

It is proposed to give the calf a day during each stage of fattening the following quantities of feed (kg):
Stage the amount of concentrate feed amount of quantity of feed hay White College during the phase
First 41 445
II 52 555
Third 6.5 2.5 720
Total 1720

1 commentaire:

  1. dependence in the composition of the diet as much as possible on the feed materials are cheap and at the same time achieving the requirements of the food.
    Acid Solvent for Organic
