Dairy theoretically and practically

- Consists of the udder in dairy cows from four separate glands from each invited Orbaa,
- This is linked to the body of the cow udder by ligaments and that the most important of the central ligament, which plays a key role in linking the structure of animal udder
- This bond is divided into two halves as the udder and contribute to ligaments, located in the outer skin layer and merged with the muscles, especially in the back of the cow,
- Contribute to these ligaments ligament with the central installation in the udder and the intensity towards the top
When these ligaments lose strength, the udder hangs and becomes a weak link and the result is the following:
1 - difficulty in manual and automatic milking.
2 - increase the chances of injury udder wounds and sores.
3 - the possibility of contamination of the udder becomes dirt and filth great.
4 - udder Almtahedl impede the movement of the cow, especially before and after birth.
In addition to the ligaments there Gshaouan Rqiqan separating the front from the rear quarters full chapter.
The parts of the detachment of the milk in the udder tissue is surrounded by glandular tissue, another connective tissue.
- Udder and large does not always mean that this cow with high milk productivity, as this may be the large size of the increase coming in the proportion of connective tissue in the udder at the expense of the proportion of glandular tissue, so it unsorted

Valdhara good news is that the shrinking size and sag and Itagdhan after doing the process of milking a ratio of tissue glandular secreted milk high in it. And weaving glandular This consists of units called cells, glandular which is very small round hollow Ibtnha from the inside layer of cells to secrete milk.
And glandular cells of these lined up together and relate to each other by pipes minute call on each group as a bunch of them and we call clusters combined glandular tissue secreted in each quarter of the udder quarters and branches from this fabric tubes transporting milk to the nipple sinus gland Vtjoev
The outer wall of each cell adenocarcinoma Faihit by muscular tissue Rahif spasm during milking by the hormone oxytocin to contribute in the output of milk from the cells, glandular, which in turn are the composition of milk from the blood that works to feed the udder elements necessary for it, quantity of blood that pass through the udder to play a major role in
The amount of milk produced as needed over / 150-200 kg / of blood through the network of blood vessels in the udder to produce 1 / 2 kg of milk almost
During the passage of blood through the blood vessels surrounding cells glandular The epithelial cells are positioned on the inner wall of the cells of glandular composition of milk and then excreted to the cavity of the cell glandular this and when filled cavity cell glandular milk and increase the pressure inside so that the impact on the lack of blood through the wall of epithelial cells, the process of composition of milk stop and continue to do so until the dairy, so Milking cows three times a day to allow epithelial cells to work all the time and thus will increase production about 20% per day.
How to get the milk to the nipples:
Transmission is the milk from the glandular tissue to the cavity through the quarter milk ducts that branch Ktafra members of the tree and gather the milk in the cavity of quarter sections of it until he moved to fill the cavity of the nipple as well.
- When filling milk ducts relax down under its own weight because of Alankhmasat ramifications are positioned at the corners, thereby hindering access to the cavity of quarter milk
- Move the hormone oxytocin to cells and necrosis in the Bay udder by the blood.
- Continue the hormone oxytocin / / 8 minutes and during this period should end the process of milking and during milking process and under the influence of the hormone oxytocin is move milk from the glandular tissue to the cavity of a quarter and the nipple cavity and congested udder milk
- In order to empty the udder full of milk Ifraga particular amount of it reserved in the milk ducts must be based on dairy and claw to attract cups nipples down before the completion of the milking process in order to allow the milk ducts that upright and emptied of milk:
Distillation process milk
- Claw to pull down a little bit contributes to dump milk the udder of a condition that does not exceed the tensile strength / / 2 seconds at the end of the process of milking
- Lift cups nipples forced down a little milk ducts in the udder on integrity and thus disappear Alankhmasat the areas of branch and is also the era of tissue separated to get the remaining reserved in the udder of milk.
Specification good udder
Given the great importance of milk as food was baptized rights to the attention of the milk-producing cows, especially to the udder as an important member of the natural plant and contributes to the formation of milk. Valdhara in dairy cows vary in weight from / 13-30 kg / d or more, so when it is empty of milk
- This disparity in the weight attributed to the milking season and the size of the udder and the amount of glandular tissue secreted and the amount of connective tissue and fatty tissue,
- But genetic factors play a role in determining the size of the udder in dairy cows, and since we are not able to see inside the udder of different tissues to determine the production capacity must rely on his physical appearance.
How udder seems good from the outside and is the relationship between the external appearance glandular tissue secreted milk?
The good shape of the udder is determined by the following matters:
1 - Capacity: capacity is determined by the large size to which an udder when the fullness of milk.
2 - Shape: shape the box is closely associated with a good body stretch forward with quarters systematic, coordinated and homogeneous evolutionary
3 - Composition: texture must be flexible, free of fibrous tissue shrinks and shrinks and smaller size after emptying of milk
4 - Nipples: teats must be consistent with the length and size appropriate, and free of tumors and intertriginous, easy dairy, evenly distributed and perpendicular to the ground.
Therefore, the udder long and broad Odhu appropriate depth and amplitude of good shows a definite indication that there are many cavities inside
- These cavities play a role in the formation and milk collection and thus productivity and quality as well as the association of udder body is of great importance
- One of the factors that contribute to make the udder and Tahedlh higher production of milk
- It is obvious that the udder of the disadvantages of Almtahedl Except he becomes susceptible to inflammation of the udder, the manual and automated Hlapth become difficult and survival as well as the risk of contamination of dirt and filth as well as works to impede the movement of the cow during

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