Planter les premières pommes de terre

Planter les premières pommes de terre

La pomme de terre, ou patate (langage familier, canadianisme et français régional), est un tubercule comestible produit par l'espèce Solanum tuberosum, appartenant à la famille des solanacées. Le terme désigne également la plante elle-même, plante herbacée, vivace par ses tubercules en l'absence de gel mais cultivée comme une plante annuelle.

Sequencing the genomes of wheat rust and poplar

The genomes of fungi causing wheat stem rust and leaf rust of poplar have been decoded and analyzed by an international consortium involving researchers from INRA, CNRS, French universities and research centers in the U.S., "INRA announced Tuesday in a statement.

This analysis reveals the presence of a large number of genes (over 16,000) in these two biotrophic fungi (they feed on their host plants while keeping them alive). Of these, more than half correspond to new genes not previously identified in other species.

Types of honey bees

Mountain honey
MOUNTAINY HONEY high for his wife - would prefer to use in diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, anemia
And general weakness, diabetes, surgery and burns and anti-viral liver and liver cancer and useful in the treatment of addiction and benefit pregnant women and infants

Honey mountain HANON
Used honey mountain bitter for diabetes and to treat liver and gall bladder infections and diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Proved to be a kilo of it is equivalent to 12 kg of vegetables, as it contains vitamins that he'd be diagnosed with cancer and useful for the treatment of patients with AIDS, heart disease and inflammation of the liver and gall bladder.

Honey wild flowers DESERT HONEY
Used in weight loss works is to compensate for the lost body of vitamins and proteins and mineral salts during the process of slimming and used in the treatment of sore throat, cough and improve the ability to see and treat nervous headaches and prevent eczema, psoriasis and impetigo and boils.

Honey halva Bur ALFA HONEY
Is used to treat kidney disease and inflammation of the bladder and ureter as it helps to break up kidney stones and bladder.

Of the most important components Alljnon and material useful in cases of cough and lung infections and strengthening the immune system and strengthen the heart muscle and keeping blood sugar and stimulate circulation.


Useful to lump the abdomen and excessive gas, and urinary tract infections and reproductive and general vulnerability, headache, cough and to treat anemia and inflammation of the pharynx

Sidr honey NABK HONEY
Useful in diseases of the liver and digestive system, anemia and general weakness and diabetes and is useful for wounds antiseptic for wounds and helps to speed PINK

Treatment of mouth sores and pain of the gums and teeth and prevent tooth decay, rich with powerful antibiotics sterilize the mouth and eliminate harmful bacteria is also useful in disorders and indigestion

Terror clover honey
(Shirt first)
Is a material with high nutritional value and is easy to be absorbed preventive and regulate the blood sugar so it is useful for adults, children and diuretic - jet and relieves the respiratory system and treatment of diarrhea.)

It is like coriander, mint, chamomile, anise, cumin, caraway is essential oils flying high value such as Allitalul so useful in the treatment of contractions of the stomach and intestines and the treatment of swelling and helps in digestion and intestinal infections, gastrointestinal tract and in the prevention of constipation and is useful in pre-eclampsia and repelling gas and expectorant

STRAWBERY HONEY Honey Strawberry
Paperboard and tonic for the immunity and is used to treat anemia, as he was an anti-fatigue, physical, mental and easy to be absorbed so it is the athletes.

Honey sesame SESAME HONEY
Useful in cases of inflammation of the larynx and trachea as it is useful in cases of constipation and objection to hardening of the arteries.

Useful in expanding arteries and control blood pressure also is useful in the treatment of Alzheimer's and is considered as a general tonic

Contains - Treats - and Alzyistkhaddm for the treatment of insomnia and nerves and inflammation of the bronchial tubes and treatment of colic and muscle contraction and cough.

Honey basil BASIL HONEY
Useful in calming nerves and tension and depression and treatment of migraine as useful in joint pain and muscle cramps

Works on balancing the body's exchange of food because it contains vitamin B-6 as it is useful in cases of cough, insomnia and heart palpitations and calming the nervous system

Honey citrus ORANGE HONEY
High proportion of vitamins, especially vitamin c - and therefore resistant
Cases of influenza and colds, nervous system and blood pressure

General tonic
High amount of iron is important for children especially during the period of growth and increases the number and size of red blood cells and white

Contains a high content of mineral salts and iron and it helps to improve the functioning of the nervous system
And strengthening the eyes

Useful in cases of asthma and sensitivity of the chest and dysmenorrhea in women
Kabdo and relieve the pain and calming the nerves, and digestive system ulcer, and also regulate the secretion of bile and gastric acidity.

Contains a high content of mineral salts and iron
And vitamins which help to build healthy cells ..

Honey banana BANANA HONEY
Contains a good proportion of iron, copper, manganese, potassium and zinc and is therefore useful in cases of anemia, chronic diarrhea and nutrition of children and pregnancies with bread works to increase the weight and in cases of liver and gallbladder has a powerful effect as he has a good effect to open the appetite and recommended the addition of honey to feed preterm infants.

Eucalyptus honey CAMPHOR HONEY
Used in the treatment of diseases of the chest and uses the treatment of rheumatic diseases and reduces cholesterol in the blood - works to strengthen the heart muscle - works to strengthen the blood vessels.

Dilute the pain of arthritis and rheumatism and is useful for treating wounds and burns and is used as a mask for the renewal of epidermal cells.

Benefits of honey bees

Proved to be one kilo of honey benefit the body as a meat vendor as 3.5 or 12 as vegetables or 5 as milk

Compensation sugars consumed the body due to physical or mental effort in order to contain the easy absorption of glucose and fructose representation of the body and slow absorption, which keeps blood sugar

Article curative, preventive and high nutritional value are useful for children and adults alike, it does not stay in the stomach long as it's fast digestion and is absorbed quickly into the lymphatic system to reach the blood

Treatment of digestive disorders it increases the activity of the intestines and does not cause fermentation for patients with gastrointestinal tract and cause irritation to the walls of the digestive channels and works to stimulate the process of tissue metabolism and makes the output easy

Cancels the impact of excess acidity in the stomach will prevent ulcers of the stomach and duodenum

Be mixed with honey and pollen and royal jelly paint Nafie
(To relieve pain - to speed up the healing of tissues in all types of wounds - an anti-bacteria, bacteria and fungi)
For containing the (Alinhpin formic acid)

Treatment of chronic hepatitis and inflammation of the gall bladder and help in the dismantling of Hsoadtha by eating every day
(Honey - pollen)

Honey works to treat heart disease and strengthen the heart muscle for the presence of glucose and honey, which nourish the heart muscle - Almwtmrataby the world of the physiology of members 1901 each day (100-150 gm)

Poor infrastructure and treatment of anemia and raise the proportion of hemoglobin in blood and increase the weight of vulnerable children, rich with
(Vitamin B 12 and vitamin C)

Relieve insomnia and help you sleep rapid Pacific

Is used to treat nervous headaches and inflammation nervous because it contains (vitamin B 1)

Treatment of rheumatism and arthritis (honey, pollen and royal jelly)

Resistance of sexual impotence and infertility

Works to improve the growth of bones and teeth and prevent the risk of rickets for children as it includes the (calcium and phosphorus)

Remover is good for soothing cough potential impact of inflammation of the tonsils and throat

Useful in cases of difficulty of ingestion, dry throat and dry cough

Useful in feeding patients in convalescence and the role of anti-aging in the case of coma

Benefit pregnant women during pregnancy, childbirth and works Alyalaj vomiting and strengthen the contractions of the uterus during childbirth and useful for children when teething

Prevent cancer and heart where surgery can not cure brain cancer http only then after the cessation of unwieldy nature of community organization in one area so that it can Istosalh and has succeeded in doing so (honey and cumin)

Honey is considered anti-bleeding bloody and preserves the blood alkaline, which helps to overcome stress, rich with (vitamin K)

Help to improve the ability to sight as it includes the (vitamin B2)

Alolthbat addresses and prevents skin diseases occur as it includes the (vitamin B 3)

Works to resist microbes aureus and Streptococcus addresses ulcer (bed - cancer - Tropical ..)

Balakzmia prevent injury and herpes, psoriasis, boils, rich with (Vitamin E)

Very useful for Olthbat pulmonary and respiratory diseases, colds and tuberculosis with milk

Honey is considered successful treatment of neurological diseases and honey is also a very successful treatment for addiction

Very useful for the skin of women where he works on nail polish and reduce wrinkles by

Treatment of Rift Valley Fever (honey Nigella sativa)

Honey very successful treatment for burns and Althbat sweat glands and anthrax offices and inflammation of the mammary gland

Treatment of chest diseases such as asthma, chronic colds and other large to fit on (magnesium materials extended to the people)

Treatment and prevention of phlegm is formed in the lungs, especially when smokers

Treatment of infections of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and kidney stones (honey - pollen - the bees glue)

Treatment of menstrual pain and contraction of the uterus and pre-eclampsia and is used in the treatment of breast cancer

Treatment of infections of the gums, tongue, tooth decay and cracked lips, rich with (fluorine)

Lowers blood sugar diabetes
(The presence of fructose and its Alzylaihtaj Insulin for combustion contains a substance similar to Alonsoliyn to rein in blood sugar)

The prevention of night blindness and infections of the cornea and conjunctiva and the edge of the eyelid and chronic inflammation of the cornea as it includes the (vitamin A)

Help in the process of representation of the protein and maintaining the balance of exchange within the tissues of the food it contains (vitamin B 6)

Prevention of the disease scurvy, and damage to heart muscle, especially as it includes the (vitamin C)

Addresses the honey mixed with pollen blood thinners and helps Tjlth for containing the (vitamin K)

Alonumeia prevention and malignant diseases of the liver and pancreas, it contains (folic acid)

The prevention of hair loss and egg-white and peptic ulcers channels for containing the (vitamin B 3)

Prevention of polio, poor memory and disease pellagra, rich with (vitamin B 5)

Regulate metabolism and the prevention of shortage of hemoglobin, rich with (Vitamin E)

Addresses the honey with pollen allergies and allergy associated with severe asthma successfully

Treatment of infectious diarrhea in children and toxic increase in the number of red blood cells and white

Treatment of liver diseases and strengthen and prevent deposition of fat in it and improve and functions and to prevent the gravel alveoli bile

Treatment of poisoning and alcohol poisoning, eclampsia because it (has a calming effect on the phospholipids diuretic)

Treatment of heat stroke by applying honey on hair and used to treat skin irritation and spot paint the skin with honey and pollen

Anti-microbial resistance, severe (such as Salmonella - Staphylococcus - Mkrocox Bacillus ...)

Prevention of many diseases of the existence of substance (prostaglandins) and by the lack of it, which leads the body to be brought to many diseases

Used in the treatment of cancer as it contains honey is acidic (Alasinamek and Alcavic), where the affect on the DNA of the cancer cells only reverse chemicals that affect the cancer cells and healthy at the same time

Treatment of constipation and hemorrhoids paint topical honey and pollen and eating

For athletes
(A good source and easy access to energy and vitamins - with a distinctive taste and cuddly - maintain weight)

For children
(To gain weight - and protect them from many diseases - Treatment of Pediatric Caldosntarya and infectious diarrhea - Treatment of bedwetting - increase the proportion of hemoglobin in blood - raising the efficiency of the immune system disinfectant for the intestines laxative nice)
And beneficial for babies as strengthen their immune systems and reduces the security of enterovirus infection colic

Useful for nursing, where L that compensates for the lose of vitamins and mineral salts and sugars as it benefits the child where
(Increases milk production increases and the nutritional content of breast milk antibodies child support resistance to disease)

Used in weight loss has been proven scientifically that activates an anti-obesity hormone, the body is working to move the body fat

Strengthen the body's immune system, rich with
(Carotenoids and chlorophyll derivatives Alzanthovelat tannins)
It also works the previous articles as material anti-oxidant and anti-venom and anti-tumor and tumor

Honey Bees

Is the aromatic substance thick textures sweet result from collecting bees to nectar flowers and transferred to a thick liquid textures and in order to bring bee one kilogram of honey they move between flowers distance equivalent to 11 times as much as the Earth's circumference around the equator and the different types of honey depending on the source of nectar in terms of
(Color, taste, smell and ability to shape and density and alkaline and
There are other factors also affect the characteristics of honey such as the type of soil, air and other factors so it is rare for similar samples of honey, even if just one source Rahiqi

And produces the base color of the honey of the components are dissolved in the honey out of a vegetarian source of nectar is also affected by the color of honey is also temperature tend honey color to the color dark if heated up the temperature in the season nectar as honey mountain honey, lotus seeds, nigella and mountain-Murr (affectionate) has proven to that honey contains a large amount and variety of vitamins is also characterized by that it can save more vitamin components of fruits or vegetables.

Honey contains the following articles

Sugars such as group
(Glucose - fructose - Dquistrattrayoz - Ravuz - Melezim - Xtoz - Arloz Aizumltoz - Mmeltuluz - turanose - Nnigeroz - Maltuluz - Koajabioz - Nuotobwazz - Jontbioz - to Aminariboz - Melezim ........)

(B-1 Thiamin - Riboflavin B-2 - Pantothenic 3 - to 4 Necotiik - niacin at 5 - to 6 - to 8 - to 9 - Vitamin K - ascorbic c - beta carotene which is converted in the liver to vitamin A - Biotin H 0000)

Group enzymes
(Invertase - amylase - Alkataliz - phosphatase - a Gelokosidiz - Glucose Oxidase - B amylase)

Group minerals:
(Iron - Copper - Phosphorus - Magnesium - Sodium - Calcium - sulfur - would like - Manganese - potassium - silica - chlorine - Selene ... ... ...)

Group acids
(Citric acid - lactic - acetic - formic acid - butyric - tannic - oxalic ... ... ... ....)

Group proteins:
(Beptun - Alpimin - globulin - Nikilobrotin ... ... ... ... ..)

Honey bees natural tendency to crystallization at low temperature for the minimum temperature beehive, which is 20 degrees Celsius and vary the speed and the temperature of crystallization of each type of honey for the other type differ according to the source Rahiqy

Lepoxygenase enzyme in vegetables and fruits

LOX) is an enzyme found in many plants and animals, but there is an abundance of grain legume seeds Calfasolia, peas and potatoes.
* This enzyme speeds up the process of oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids ((PUFA Hedrubiroxidat for the formation of fatty acids.
This enzyme from different sources stimulates the oxidation at several points along the carbon chain * This is called positional accuracy and precision of these results are important for the metabolism of Alheidrobiroxeidat caused to many of the important outputs.
 where the oxygen is located at the oxidation on the carbon atom 9 or 12 to produce 9 or 13 Hedrubiroksid corresponding acid.
The linoleic acid and linolenic acid from the more unsaturated fatty acids in plants  Home.
In addition to food-related applications for this enzyme as an industry  bread and the production of aromatic compounds, it has negative effects on color and production of undesirable odors.
In many applications can use the raw plant material or extracts  container on this enzyme, but such materials often contain multiple enzymes that can reduce the saturated fatty acids is available Kirkazp of this enzyme, or metabolized products Alhedrubiroksid.
Allepoksginaz content in plants:
There is sufficient evidence that LOXs are important elements in strategies to defend  Plant:
It has been shown that the removal of a specific type of lox from the leaves of tobacco by engineering  Genetic prevents strain of tobacco that is resistant to Phytophthora parasitica var strain sensitive to them, and although the mechanism of resistance, this is not known but this result shows that the lox is an essential part of this resistance.
Many plants respond to insect  injuries or wounds, the production of Jasmonate and activate genes Albrocnz installed in both the infected leaves and non-infected.
Remove lox activity induced wounds in the leaves of potato  removes Jasmonate production and / or installed Albrocnz, leading to increased vulnerability to insect attack.
In French bean leaves, which are resistant to Pseudomonase  syringae pv phaseolcola believed to be a result of the activity of lox, which constitutes Hedrubiroksid acids produces aldehydes bednets quantities of bacteria (bacteriocidal) and this plays the role of protection against the attack Pseudomonase.

Oxidation catalytic mechanism for LOX:
 catalytic mechanism of oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, suggested two different ways and Air Bags.
Iron content: containing enzyme molecules on the iron atom and one of these  corn are in a high level in the form of iron Tnathi in the steady state of the enzyme, which should oxidize to iron triple output interaction (Hedrubiroksid acid or Peru master hydrogen) before activation catalyst oxidation, and as a result of this requirement for oxidation of iron in the enzyme there is a noticeable slowdown when used with enzyme substrates pure fatty acids.
Enzyme extracted hydrogen atom specifically Almaitln  overlapping groups of the acid is saturated fat at a rate limited transformation of iron to iron Duo.
And then the enzyme complex - Islands alkyl oxidized molecule of oxygen to the enzyme complex  - Islands peroxy under aerobic conditions before the transfer of an electron from the iron atom to the peroxy group.
A positive charge and the disintegration of the enzyme allows the formation  Hedrubiroksid.
As under aerobic conditions is separated from the root of the alkyl complex enzyme  - Islands alkyl and produces complex, including binaries and ketones and Iepokseidat radical reactions.
Mmakpat Allepoksginaz:
Enzyme (linoleate oxygen oxidoreductase),  EC1.13.11.12) resides in the plant and animal tissues are widely used.
 LOX stimulates the oxidation of fatty acids containing cis unit - 4-1 Bntaddein coupled to form coupled Hedrubiroxidat acids.
Where the activity of this enzyme requires the presence of fatty acids is saturated with free  We have a variety Bmmakpat differ among themselves to PH and to identify the ideal product and the substrate.
LOX from soybean seed is the most outstanding among plant LOXs  which stimulates the oxidation of linoleic acid and linolenic acid leads to the production of many interactive molecules, which explain the grassy taste of the beans in the food soybean processing.

There are four compounds isolated from soybeans: 
1 - soy enzyme lox-1: the ideal PH is a 9.0 which affects only the unsaturated fatty acids free, where the 9 and 13 Hedrubiroksid by 1:9 at normal temperature. And some types of LOX oxidation participatory presence of carotenoids (PUFAs).
This type of enzyme used for bleaching wheat flour, which plays the role of improved bread and assistant treatment values ​​during the evolution of the dough.
2. Enzyme soy lox-2: the PH has a perfect 6.8 and it affects the tri glycerides in addition to PUFAs)), which accounts for 9 and 13 Hedrubiroksid rate of 1:1 at normal temperature.
Exclusive color can refer either to the degradation of fresh vegetables such as French beans or yellow fruit products as carotenoids are important natural pigments and antioxidants.
Studies have shown that the lox type 2 and 3 of soybeans, peas and wheat are the presence of Candida hemoglobin linoleic acid, but most studies recorded for the oxidation of the participatory type 1.
May indicate that this enzyme and under conditions not appear  aerobic oxidation of participatory activities, the existence of strong (PUFA) or acyl Hedrubiroksid contrast, while under aerobic conditions is the catalyst is not sufficient for the interaction of bleach.
3. Enzyme soy lox-3: It is similar to lox-2 activity, but proves the existence of calcium ions while lox-2 activates the presence of metals.
4. Enzyme soy lox-4: It is similar to lox-3 but it can be separated by gel filtration chromatography or electrophoresis.
Some applications of enzymes loxs:
Which Kpat LOX generally classified as type - 1, which owns PH ideal within the region  alkaline which is determined to free fatty acids and the second type, which is ideal for PH activity in the temperate zone which cause oxidation of carotenoids participatory.
 the ability of soy enzyme of the second kind on the bleaching of the carotenoids received a special application by adding soy flour to wheat flour in the manufacture of white bread.
The wheat flour up to  itself contains small amounts of LOX effective, but is abundant in soybeans and usually provide the wheat flour with 0.5% of enzyme active soy flour.

From other applications 's lox include whitening products, noodles and cheese whey, wheat bran and rice.
 tissue found in many plant enzymes, which cause Alheidrobiroxeidat shift to other products, some of which are important vehicles are the flavor.
Of these enzymes: 
hydroperoxide lyase:  which stimulates the form aldehydes and oxo acids.
hydroperoxide-dependent  peroxygenase and epoxygenase: that stimulate the formation of: hydroxy fatty acids epoxy and.
And hydroperoxide isomerase, which stimulates the formation of: 
epoxyhydroxy fatty acids and trihydroxy fatty acids
Results on the activity of lox volatile flavors are similar to those produced during the oxidation  self, although the relative sizes of components that could change dramatically depending on the type and conditions of the enzyme reaction.
Lox potato is thoughtful enough  enzyme but is considered unusual as enzymes in plants is similar to mammalian Lox, which stimulates the oxidation of fatty acids is saturated and containing 20 carbon atoms such as acid to form Aloracedonbug -15 hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid.
 Therefore, this enzyme is particularly important because of the large availability and use of a model and an alternative animal enzyme. The raw material in biologically active compounds.
Containing tomatoes (tomatoes) on the activity  lox-9, where there CPAN, which at least two of this enzyme.
This enzyme causes the color to break  diced tomatoes (tomatoes) during frozen storage and to prevent the deterioration of color during storage were covered cubes tomatoes Balnchae rate.
In apples was observed to increase the activity  lox before enzymatic browning so it can also be responsible for enzymatic browning.
Inhibition of oxidation of lox:
Poaching: 
Is the installer for the enzymes caused by unwanted changes during processing and subsequent storage of the products, in addition to that, the boiling has many advantages Kthbatip color and improve the strength and the decrease in the microbial census.
As the vegetables cook to a temperature high enough to discourage the POD is generally sufficient to destroy the enzyme is desired.
Lox and is used as an indicator in determining the appropriate boiling, as the most important in determining the storage stability of frozen vegetables.
Lox  can inhibit heat at a temperature higher than C 60, but heating can lead to increased non-enzymatic oxidation and this oxidation can not exceed because of LOXs.
 as well as appropriate methods for fatty food preservation from corruption is the oxidative deoxygenation of food during processing and packaging, and packing it under vacuum using an inert gas.
 but difficult to achieve the level of oxygen less than 1% in an environment products.
Must also fill  liquid oils in opaque containers to avoid oxidation of photosynthesis

Enzyme alpha amylase

Enzymes, as is well known, is a protein found in living organisms and act as help to start or activate Ooxiaodp speed of biochemical reactions of various, so-called factors vital assistance Biocatalysts, and the presence of enzymes in these reactions is very necessary as with other can not be initiating or continuity or completion.
Enzymes and many, many very different from each other depending on the type of interaction on which, in order to distinguish them from each other has come to add (BL) Ase on the last call on the name of the substance that interact or are affected by this enzyme.
Valinzimat that work as catalysts for reactions and the dissolution of starch called amylase AMYLASE for example, where the word means Amyl starch and word Ase show on the enzyme, an analyst for the starch, and so on.
And amylase are found in abundance in members of the human body, animals and some plants as well as some micro-organisms (yeast) capable of producing the enzyme amylase, and what was the subject of improving the bread is the main theme of most developed countries and developing countries.
It is a feature of these enzymes can be added to the dough in the bakery, or to add to the flour in grain mills, and perhaps the most important of these enzymes added enzymes alpha-amylase Elpha-Amylases and enzymes Albrocnz Protenases can be extracted from fungi and bacteria minute, such as: Aspergillus aryzae and Bacillus sbtilis and enzyme Gluco-amylase extracted from a fungus Aspergillus niger.
The use of the enzyme alpha-amylase from the fungus Aspergillus aryzae in the flour is very common and because the start of use to the middle of this century, and can buy this enzyme and add to flour as a high efficiency (generally 40-50 thousand units / g) or schedule of other, less or equal to 1 / 10 or 1 / 100 of the previous event.
And attend the enzyme alpha-amylase from the material content (breakfast or bacteria) and that Btahnha and converted into a fine powder, is added to this powder solution Kloralcalseyoum or acetate calcium concentration (0.002) at a gram of powder per 5 cm 3, and then modify the degree of PH to 6 and raise  of solution and leave the mixture for one hour at 30 degrees C for 15 minutes to install the activity of beta-amylase, and then deposited alpha  temperature to 70 m amylase by alcohol Alieteli and wash well with alcohol and then with acetone and then Baliitr then dried under pressure rarefied (under vacuum).
, And beta-amylase enzyme helps in his work and is already in the flour in sufficient quantity, it is known that there are many factors that affect the activity of amylase, including:
1 - type amylase and its source, whether it is originally from grain or from a source of fungal or bacterial?
2 - degree of PH, temperature and duration of fermentation, amylase, because lost or if found in the acid medium Oogulwi.  activity completely at a temperature of 100 m
3 - concentration of starch in the middle.
4 - percentage of fermentable sugars negotiable valuable in the middle.
5 - There was some mineral salts, as it works to increase or decrease its activity, depending on the type of amylase, calcium Vomlah for example, increase in the activity of alpha amylase, while it reduces the activity of beta-amylase.
The advantage of alpha amylase fungal source they turn starch into sugars simpler than Aldickstrenat, therefore, be the bread product is easy chewing good taste and remains fresh for several days, where away from bread phenomenon Ashm or the phenomenon of regression starch and Aldickstrenat a phenomenon that we see in most of the bread Arab countries, where bread becomes unpalatable to eat the next day of its production, this is not due to dry that it would be soft when heated, but because of the change and entanglement in the internal structure
2 - The effect of temperature on the effectiveness of the enzyme alpha-amylase extracted from the bacteria Bacillus subtilis is quite different from its impact on the effectiveness of alpha amylase fungal and use each for different purposes. It is well known that the enzyme alpha amylase, while  bacterial remains effective even at temperatures up to 90-100 m be the effectiveness of the enzyme alpha amylase fungal stopped much earlier .. Therefore, when you add the alpha amylase fungal enzyme to the dough, when the production of certain types of bread, you must be the amount of this add-on is calculated accurately in order to avoid defects that may appear on a piece of bread, according to the form of bread and bakery action

Meat characteristics of quails

The meat of the best quail meat birds to the following features:
The flesh of the fat content is high and thus be low in cholesterol as high cholesterol cause heart disease.
Quail meat is characterized as smooth muscle tissue is a kind of soft where there are no fibers in the fabric of the meat, making it easy chewing and palatability.
Advantage of quail meat Balsafp marble (distributed small granules fat tissue between the fibers of meat), which makes the meat taste good quail.
Quail meat preferences of children and cook in many ways, making it a good species to eat.
A result of the domestication of birds quail body muscles become the freshness and softness which makes the meat taste and relish a special characteristic.

Breeding quail

Quail est une des petites sources importantes pour la production de viande, les œufs, et peut contribuer un rôle important dans la réduction de la crise de la viande lorsque le déploiement d'attention à l'éducation et les soins des petits agriculteurs et j'ai également exécuter des jeunes chômeurs et de résoudre le problème du chômage.
Et la chair de caille est délicieux et sans cholestérol Odhu un bon appétit et les besoins alimentaires de Pihtaj quelques petites zones dans son éducation dans cette notice, nous expliquons comment élever et de soins pour les besoins de la caille et la nourriture peuvent être déployés plus largement encore élevés et la rentabilité est plus élevée chez ceux qui s'intéressent à des investisseurs Balsman privé.
importance économique et les qualités formelles de la caille:

Une bonne source de protéines animales sans cholestérol.
Flying consomme environ 450-500 grammes de nourriture pour atteindre un poids de 125-150 g au cours des 45 premiers jours de l'âge.
Faible coût de l'éducation.
Bon endroit pour les investissements.
Chiffre d'affaires rapidement (dans les 45 jours).
Maturité sexuelle précoce à l'âge de 5-6 semaines.
de production élevés des oeufs (250-300 œufs par la productivité par an).
La croissance rapide, jusqu'à environ 150 g à l'âge de 6 semaines.
Le poids des œufs a été d'environ 10-12 g.
La période d'incubation de 14-17 jours.
couleur de la croûte et blanc couleur violette pied.
Couleur gris clair de la région du cou des femmes et des hommes gris et de brun.
Couleur gris clair de la région du cou des femmes et des hommes gris et de brun.
Peut vivre cailles jusqu'à l'âge de 10 ans.

The first agricultural processes and soil Arzela and service and of species

Of food for the crops, after Rkpla land or in Misrbla after special and Prmuammla Bchaloa and Ciaahalab Pupom Earth Karti Ivla. And chooses Old on Ahnm studied of species Doga Hlavla The example to me, "Pnshmla Zinan") Nantaise améliorée (and "Delissar") Racelido (and "Rodnan" ) Nandor (Vanso Yeh and, Pdrutsm Andlab in Prvautam. Islands on Consumer Thabی Htrcb on Bgz without and, Reba does not and Rigs do not, a suitable volume Iv, Nolla Ih, Ilaqterp. night Hlavla Afdی or this and Antqa Rzinvo such Piarimo Pinejeh Vanso d) d Avenger (Capra and) Caropak (and Dngel) Legend (Mlav f) Flame (and Notbn) Neptune. (not thrown Rthakt Przblab, Isinger, on Dhaola Margla Iothی and 1000-500 Przb. Arzatprhapm seeds in there Sylph, the right to smell Arozj Klz accord the same, Tllach plantation does not and and Blakhm relevant for marketing of Rzgela Anmt Tajmajuaa. Giver Adaouho of invited and impediments and Bchaloa of She, supposing Him and Akima soil Mdecht Pmahdzim lines on agriculture Tnaa If Line in Izbla between Tametanas five card with Mutenas Nیrca after, Piqsm non-any , Pیrob agriculture Tnaa if either, Piqsm or Niabsb Ahiab Na Dabt a dual lines Giver constitute Line in Izbla between Tametanas five on Mutenas Ninamt. in Lai year of it at any time Arzela when and months of in cold) January and Rbenjd (Early Rahazelia svelte Ychkی Itla seed production and does not Regm HIV Bowere. Nukی Arzelarhapma Nakmla in Pimekp Mیdtsmla 6-7 and after, Dhaola Ratkhll seeds of Margolia Arzelabjی Yerormela Przbla volume of soil molecules to compliment you and crammed in seeds Tbutt Jrahdt Plab soil. Tabnlia take to Iitb between 30-20, for example to Ajaflaa Aیrs another to Aosahm Arzی that on Hlavla Encourages Ivla Aesshla, days of Pdavtzlal OUTLINE Pmodkhamla Phacmla

Agriculture and livestock increase with sea water

Agriculture and livestock increase with sea water

India .. Pearl farming in freshwater

India .. Pearl farming in freshwater

The lives of women in the areas of cannabis cultivation in Morocco

The lives of women in the areas of cannabis cultivation in Morocco

Cultivation of pomegranate in the Sultanate of Oman

Cultivation of pomegranate in the Sultanate of Oman

Agriculture, health, agriculture option without chemicals

Agriculture, health, agriculture option without chemicals

Scientific experiments: plant

Scientific experiments: plant

The role of amino acids in plant

What are the amino acids ?
Vehicles are collected and _khasaisalohmad amines are containing the carboxyl group COOH and NH2 group or the Secretary Oktherotattabr Alohmadalominip derivatives of fatty acids replace Alheidrojeenbmjmuap Secretary. And fatty acids containing more than one carbon atom resulting in Adpohmad amino similar in a set secretary, the group was secretary to Dhirpalkrbun first adjacent to the carboxyl group called the amino acid alpha and Kantmjmuap secretary on an atom of carbon the second named amino acid beta and Kantmjmuap secretary on an atom of carbon-third named amino acid gamma.
What is the behavior of amino acids in the plant?
Cadalaminip electrolytes Amvutirip Amphataric for containing totals Aminoqaeidip and a total of carboxylic acid and amino acids unilateral Alkrboksilahade amino in the water you configure solutions bipolar bear two shipments, one negative and Alakharymujbh a result of transmission of the proton H + carboxyl group to the group of amino and Nzeralugod positive charge on the total amino and negative on the carboxyl group is Aldzimtadl electrically and amino acids work Khaamad or base when there is and Stmtadl electrically isoelectric point Vtkon positive and negative charges of the acid Mtsawipola moving those acids when placed under the influence of electrophoresis Electrophoresis However, if the center-bp pH) high), the acid behaves anion because of the rule of NH2/COO- as groups work effective, in contrast to the acid in the Stahaamady pH) low), it exhibits the behavior of cation because of the rule of NH3 / COOH as groups work effectively and this Hudur proteins organized Buffering.
What is the importance of amino acids of the plant?
The importance of amino acids Viallenbat When you do spray on plants, they deal with cases of stress, which often exposed to the plant and from Alzerovger appropriate for the plant, such as:
1 - cases of frost and causing combustion plant fully as occurs in many plants at low temperatures and this situation has become frequent in Egypt due to the phenomenon of climate change and low temperatures in winter to less than 3 degrees Celsius and has resulted in the burning areas large mango crop in Msro large areas of crops and are showing the importance of the use of amino acids because they increase the plant immunity and vitality and resistance to changes in temperature.
2 - concentration of some elements in the plant and this happens a lot because of the lack of policy Tzmidip clear in many of the companies and farms which leads to imbalance in the concentrations of certain elements at the expense of other elements, and here occurs problems for the plant to the presence of elements Tzmidip do not need and missing the other elements that need them and shows the role of amino acids in the work of a balance between the elements and each other.
3 - the phenomenon of Tbadalalhml which occur in some species of plants, where given the plant crop has been uneven over the past year, I give a good harvest and in the second year yield less or vice versa and so on and to overcome this phenomenon shows the role of amino acids and revitalization of the buds and reduce the occurrence of this phenomenon.
4 - temperature differences and disparities that occur between the temperature between day and night and this phenomenon has become noticeable in the climate of Egypt, where P notes the disparity temperature between day and night and that cause significant stress status of plants.
5 - cases of moisture stress in general, both happened to the plant due to lack of moisture or increase, and this affects a large proportion of representation on the efficiency and vitality of the plant, and it shows the importance of amino acids in the resistance to stress caused by this phenomenon.
6 - The high concentration of salts in the soil or irrigation water and this causes strain of the plant and this affects a very large on the activity of plant and vitality and ultimately leads to low yield and has proved the most recent studies in that the amino acid proline has a big role in the resistance plant stress resulting from the increased concentration of salts in the soil and irrigation water for a way to add rates lead to plant salt-denominated.
7 - dust storms severe and extreme heat waves and have observed this phenomenon in the areas of the new reclamation projects such as Toshka and proceed to East Port has proven scientific studies in that the spraying of amino acids makes the plant more resistant to these changes before they occur and that the place makes the plant restores vitality and quick to overcome.
8 - Stress, who happens to cut flowers and ornamental plants after harvest, where wilt quickly and does not retain Bzhoha and freshness, of amino acids a great ability to make it more freshness for a long time after picking.
9 - stress caused by diseases that may affect the plant where there is a group of acids is working on the composition of alkaloids that are believed to Thamiallenbat from damage and strengthen the immune system Saddalhacrat affecting plant Kmaiatkd as a store of nitrogen excess vegetation, which also causes injury Allenbatbalhacrat This call to the attention of spraying acid amino Menbdaip transplanting stage to increase plant resistance to disease.
10 - brown and yellow spots that appear in the landscaping of the amino acids have a significant role in resistance to stress and the resulting recovery plant recovers quickly.

What is the role of amino acids on plants and landscaping and cut flowers?
Yellow spots and a structure that appears in the green spaces in cities and tourist parks and football stadiums and golf courses and others as a result of stress, which occurs from the ball players and visitors to these places, of amino acids a significant role in resistance to stress them and restore the plant recovered quickly they remain of these places retain Bndhartha greenery and distinctive. And have demonstrated the various scientific experiments carried out on a vehicle which contains the amino acids and is a compound peptone PEPTON 85/16 and it contains 85% amino acids and 16% College of amino acids free in the situation, La and 12% nitrogen and potassium in the Image K2O 3.5%, and amino acids in the boat are (Glycine - alanine - valine - methionine - Aizuliossin - threonine - Sisniin - phenylalanine Ceren - Seriwnin - lysine - Gelotamek - Aspartek - arginine - hydroxy Brolin - Brolin - hydroxy lysine - Hestdin - Terptovan), where the plants are sprayed with a rate of 1 g / liter and green spaces in the rate of 2 g / liter every 15 days spraying on the leaves and have shown excellent results in the resistance of plants to various stress conditions and to maintain the shoots of the green bodies. And for cut flowers where suffering flowers of some plants such as Gladiolus and Allilim and Alvrizia of stress, which occurs for the emergence of cut and ornamental plants after harvest, where wilt quickly and does not retain Bzhoha and freshness and have the amino acids a great ability to make it more freshness for a long time after picking.

What is the role played by amino acids in the plant?
Amino acids play a significant role in the plant as follows:

Stimulate photosynthesis and raise its efficiency, where active formation of chlorophyll, which helps to retain the distinctive plant, turquoise, vegetable, especially in landscaping and helps in the vegetative growth of the plant has a role in Tkhalib some of the elements and the process of pollination and fruit set
Affect the speed of plant growth and stimulate formation of chlorophyll
Affect the speed of formation of roots and the formation of seeds and plant growth speed
Accelerate the maturity of the fruit and has a large role in the revitalization of the roots
Total increase vegetative growth and early in the crop
Increases the strength of potential plant resistance to various diseases, which are exposed
Increases the speed of biological processes and organization within the plant and increases resistance to disease
Improve the plant cells and the formation of lignin

Increase the capacity of the plant in the possibility of disease resistance and activate the formation of chlorophyll and has an important role in the hormonal balance within the plant
Increases the ability of the possibility of disease resistance in plants
Total increase vegetative growth and early in the crop
Total increase vegetative growth and early in the crop
Improve plant resistance to disease

Resistance to harsh conditions such as heat, cold, thirst, salinity and his role in the formation of chlorophyll and encourage the formation of roots and cell division
Resistance difficult and harsh conditions such as heat and thirst and cold and a great role in resistance to stress caused by salinity
Resistance to harsh conditions, especially salinity and activate the germination of pollen
Hydroxybenzoic lysine
Increase crop growth and yield in early
Increase in the growth, yield and early in the crop and improve the efficiency of phosphorus within the plant

Impact on the love of choppers and the characteristics of wheat flour

Sunn Pest (spp. Eurygaster) one of the most important insect
Adverse effects on wheat yield in the Mediterranean
Average, they are scattered in the area of ​​irrigated crops in the south
And Eastern Europe and Western Asia and North Africa, including Lebanon
Syria and Iraq.
Although the wheat crop is most vulnerable to this insect, but it is possible
That have affected other crops such as barley and rye, oats, corn
Sunn pest can cause damage to plant wheat, or by
fluid removed from the stem and leaves and ears, which leads to weakening
Plant or by feeding grain in the formative period of love
And maturity, as you digest the insect (endosperm) Btorha
Milk, resulting in a reduction of grain weight per Ttrauah between
15-60%, and the insect Btoreha incomplete (nymphs)
And complete (Adults) the introduction of enzymes (proteolytic enzymes) during
Nouri grain, which would eliminate the proteins
In the grain and these enzymes have the ability to stay within
The grain is dry and non-effective after the end of insect feeding and after
Harvest and extract the flour begins to destroy the enzymes to work
Protein (gluten) is responsible for giving the dough recipe rubber
And the ability to swell during the making of bread.
Therefore, wheat flour is extracted from the patient to have lost the power of this
Proteins and are not suitable for industry news.
For example, in the year 1981 in northern Syria, causing injuries
Sunn fever returns to millers and bakers by
For their inability to use in the manufacture of pita bread.
International Organization of FAO United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Research Centre: More
Agriculture in the Dry Areas ICARDA.

Terrible news for parasites whitefly

Quoted in a news magazine which said agricultural Agroteka
German scientists studied the impact of four new non-chemical techniques used
Alzbabpawhita against Bemisia tabaci
The mechanical shock gave the best results during the experiments that
Conducted using x-rays, where a number of lamps (UV)
Between tomato seedlings (tomatoes) has been running lights 16 hours
In the daytime in addition to natural light has led this light over
Violet to reduce the proportion of egg-laying at around 45%.
The numbers show the success of Dead flies and effectiveness of these lamps.
The ratio of the amount of the death of insects through the heat-ray lamps
Petrol has reached 45%.

Nurseries and plant propagation methods

Arboretum is a piece of land dedicated to the propagation and care of seedlings of various small to make it fit for transport to the place sustainable and provide nurseries usually means that facilitate the conduct of these operations
For the nurseries of great importance because they provide the foundation for sound-free seedlings of various diseases and harmful insects. Identical to the class in large numbers, in addition to its introduction of new varieties of plants, ornamental or fruit or vegetables and dissemination of cultivated and there are many types of nurseries, including
Specialized nurseries
A nursery that specializes producing a certain type of plants such as ornamental plants or fruit or vegetables
Nurseries mixed
It nurseries which produce more than one type of production to plants such as seedlings and ornamental fruit and vegetables
Conditions must be met when establishing nursery
First Site
Taken into account when electing the following site
1 - to be close to transportation routes to facilitate the transfer of seedlings and grafts other materials needed by the owner of the nursery, such as fertilizers, and other Anvils
2 - to be close to the sources of marketing and disposal of seedlings was being close to growing areas, fruit trees or residential areas
3 - We must be far from neglected orchards and infected to prevent the transmission of diseases and insects
4 - We must be close to the sources of silt to compensate Maevkdh of soil a year when you rip sustainable fruit seedlings with the soil around the roots
Second, the soil
Prefers fertile soil-free salts Wetlands of average strength is required to be free from the roots of trees and other plants as well as the jungles of malware. Must also be deep No where areas deaf to the depths of a few good drainage that at least the high water level ground where the 1.5 m throughout the year. preferably be measured by the hydrogen ion concentration (PH) to extract soil solution and modify it so that the appropriate growth of seedlings of different planting seedlings for example, prefers fruit green sustainable in the amount of 6.5 PH
Third, the availability of irrigation water
Must provide irrigation water and in sufficient quantities throughout the year and require that the water used for irrigation free of salts.'s Hardness where the use of brackish water to raise the hydrogen ion concentration in the soil and prefer to use the river water or drinking water for irrigation. In the case of the use of irrigation spray-preferably working basins to receive the water and remove impurities before pumped into the irrigation pipes spray-. In order to avoid shortages in irrigation water prefer to dig wells or the work of large basins is stored in water until needed, especially near the places they are grown seedlings that need constant attention and influenced thirsty. such as canopies and wooden greenhouses

5 - Studying the economic
This requires a case study of the market. Is the species that abound will meet the turnout in the market. Is it appropriate that the prices prevailing in economic terms and also the best of nursery cultivation intensity
After the completion of the election site and select the preferred planting windbreaks around the Arboretum from the harmful effects of wind and dust, and take into account when electing the trees used battering winds Miley
1 - to be a fast-growing
2 - to be sustainable greenery and good branching
3 - roots that grow in depth and vertical soil
4 - are not affected diseases and insects easily
It is the best windbreaks that can be used are the trees and cypress Alcazurina
AA is preferred that the sections of the nursery is divided into the following
First unit of the propagation
And includes all facilities used in the nursery plant propagation methods vegetative or sexual, such as greenhouses and wooden canopies, greenhouses, heated and cold pools and other facilities, nursery other
Secondly Services Unit
These include unit administration rooms. Rooms and storage shelters and wheel tractors and other machinery
Can be divided into the following business Arboretum
1 - plant propagation methods Nationality 0 seed) or vegetative methods
2 - Development of small plants to sizes suitable for marketing
Session of the Arboretum
A system which follows in the nursery for planting seedlings of different succession to achieve the following objectives
1 - Maintaining the level of the soil surface and not to fall in the section on the other. For example, is uprooting plants sustainable green from the ground portion of the soil around the roots, when uprooting of thousands of these plants from a certain part of the land of the nursery is raised huge amounts of soil with it. When the successive cultivation of such plants must be reduced a lot and the soil surface and weaken the affected properties. must in this case from the change of cultivated Bote Other Atqla with clay and so on so that the ramp surface of the soil again, a new soil
2 - to maintain the fertility of the soil and not Ajhadha, while maintaining the physical and chemical properties of good soil and disposal, which could leave some plants harmful effects or toxic substances on the part of the land of the nursery, in addition to that, the introduction of crops at the Arboretum maintains the fertility of the soil is of the face is stressful to the soil and the other hand working to improve the natural qualities of the soil and thus to get the balance between nutrients as a result of the varying needs of the plant in the succeeding session of the different nutrients,
3 - places of production of seedlings of any type of sustainable green groups and deciduous except for consecutive years without interruption
4 - no outbreaks of diseases and insects in the seedlings of the same species where the catch is usually of one type of plant pests and diseases in certain cases of repeated type of agriculture and one for several years leading to the settlement of these diseases and pests in that piece of land cultivated by the nursery
5 - organization of works of art that can be distributed throughout the year rather than assembled in a season where one can have a full-time and mastery
Points that must be taken into account when designing agricultural cycle to produce more than one type of vegetable
1 - determine the types of plants and brands to be produced and the required quantities of each item to the possibility of identifying the areas required
2 - to facilitate the operations of service and care for plants that prefer to be similar in their plants close to each other
3 - would prefer the introduction of legume crops in the session to be located in the session after the extraction plants Deciduous and for one season or two seasons
Nursery facilities used for the propagation
There are many types of facilities that can be used for the propagation of plants, such as greenhouses, greenhouses, canopies, docks, cold and the heater, and must contain a nursery on one of the establishments that I mentioned earlier, at least, either nurseries model must be available where facilities the following requirements
1 - places to control the environmental conditions such as greenhouses, bed heater, which can be used for the cultivation of the mind or the germination of seeds
2 - Aaamcn used for the purpose of adaptation of plants and protect young plants from damage, high temperatures, such as canopies, or places used for the purpose of protecting seedlings from damage to low temperatures, such as greenhouses
The following is a brief description of the main facilities used in the nursery
First greenhouse
Glass House is a structure of iron, aluminum or wood covered with a substance into force of light such as glass or the fibeer glass usually provide iPods and equipment which to control the environmental conditions inside the cooling devices such as heating and lighting
There are many types of greenhouses, including
1 - greenhouses attached to buildings Leam to Construction
Inhdrsagv this kind of one-way houses are built next to the buildings usually have direction from east to west roof slope and be the face of the South and to allow for the entry into force of the largest amount of sunlight
2 - Greenhouse truss with equal Even spam houses
Sliding roof in this type of houses equally towards both directions and the edge of the ceiling above the center of the house and the direction of the house will be from north to south to maximize sunlight
3 - Greenhouse gantry Uneven-spam houses
Descended three-quarters of the roof in this type of houses in one direction is usually toward the south either the remaining quarter Vinhdr towards the north, the southern slope allowed to expose to sunlight, suitable either the other quarter would ensure good ventilation, so the direction of this type of house from east to west
The limited use of greenhouses in the area of ​​propagation of plants following
1 - cultivation of the mind or seed or other plant parts that are used in breeding, which requires germination or entrench or growth to environmental factors especially temperature and moisture and light
2 - planting seeds in the untimely natural and the possibility to control the environmental conditions inside the greenhouses
3 - used for seedling growth and seedling stages of growth, especially if the first was a seedling needs to environmental factors, especially
And preferably provide Balmchatl greenhouse attached to a number of breeding ponds where this leaves open the docks or the clothes or glass cover in order to provide high humidity for use in implanting certain kinds of paper that may be reason to Atlaimha moisture inside the glass house
Canopies Lathheuses
The words for places will be within half shadowed the main objective of its establishment is to protect the cultivated plants in containers from damage, high temperatures in the summer, and it uses many of the other in the area of ​​propagation of plants such as Individualization of seedlings, planting plants, mothers and plant tender that need to be a shadow, planting seeds Some plants affected by the management of direct sunlight in summer, and vary the material is made of the structure of the canopy, it is made from wood which is the prevailing or columns from aluminum or columns from the concrete, and when the work structure of the wood used terraces, wooden, and a width of 5 cm which can control the shade can be provided within the canopies between a third to two thirds by the distance between the ruler and another, either when using the columns of concrete for the work of the temple is placed pole in the aspects of the lines away from each other by 4-6 meters, and then pass the wire, metal, country-specific over the columns of concrete and covered then the type of polyethylene, which is known colored saran There are many types which differ in the proportion of shade provided, and this percentage varies between 25-75%
And can adapt to the house of a plastic canopy and winter cover so transparent, where the clothes can be used to protect seedlings from damage to low winter temperatures
For the purpose of providing irrigation water within the canopy would be preferable to follow her basins suitable dimensions, and irrigation within the canopy is either manually or automatically and there is shaded his speech is available in spray-irrigation system
Greenhouse Plastic-covered green houses
Structure of iron or wood or aluminum, it looks like a greenhouse, but the sides and roof covered with the clothes instead of glass, and using polyethylene on a large scale because of its lower price and ease of use and disadvantages of the short duration of extinction, which must be replaced after a year or two years of use
Greenhouses are used to save cultivated plants in containers from damage to low temperatures in winter can also be used for the production of traditional birth attendants some vegetable crops in early summer
In the summer, the house can be covered by plastic or brown colored cloth to provide shade inside, and cooled using air coolers, where used in this case to maintain the plants that need high temperatures with relatively high humidity
Shrines Cold Cold beds
Use these shrines in areas with winter Dafi and plants the seed or the mind early in the spring may also be used for the adaptation of seedlings, and either be the resting places of temporary works of wood or resting places of permanent works of cement, contain the most basic kinds of two sheets of wood thickness of 5.2 cm and height 40 -50 cm placed Allohan opposite on the ground and buried beneath the soil the direction of the panels from east to west so that they are faced shrine tilted to the south and that the work of the north wall Baartvaa 10-15 cm higher than the south wall of works with a cover glass lift joints and opens in the daytime partially closed during the night, and could be replaced by a piece of cover glass transparent plastic, these shrines are introduced either 180 cm length shall be as needed and usually placed in the south of the buildings
Warm bed Hotbeds
These basins of bricks or cement is common to build above the soil surface in the form of a rectangular sink extends from east to west and is the south side as low as 10-15 cm on the north side to make room for the largest proportion of the sunlight to enter into the tub and to facilitate the decline of rain water, either View shrine Vamufdil be 100 cm in the circumstances Our country of Iraq, placed in the bottom of the shrine a light layer of gravel, heated with these shrines in several ways, including hot water, steam water, electricity or animal manure is dissolved, and the method is the last of the simplest ways and least expensive usually called Heating of biological and are using animal manure fermented new, where are placed spreading it thick, 20-30 cm settled well and then sprayed with water to help dissolve the fertilizer, which in turn leads to give a suitable temperature inside the shrine to help the heats and then add a layer of sand and boil heat ratio of 1:1 depth of 15-20 cm and settled well, you are planting seeds or mind after 2-4 days with a layer of sand and Dimple

Read more: nurseries and plant propagation methods = # ixzz1J7lKJGXF

Cultivation of sugar cane-based drip irrigation and subsurface irrigation, surface

Sugar cane-based drip irrigation and subsurface irrigation, surface

Final Results:
13-14% sugar concentration in drip irrigation, while not exceeding 12% in the case of immersion.
Productivity 60-70 tons / acre in the drip irrigation, while no more than 40-50 tons / acre in the immersion.
He stayed for 11-12 month crop land in drip irrigation while it will be in the 12-13 month immersion.
The proportion of natural deduction, and chemotherapy, less in the case of punctuation for immersion, which is reflected in the economic returns of the crop in the affirmative punctuation for immersion.
Crop stays in the ground in case of punctuation planting and three tillers efficiently without degradation while not remain in the immersion more than planting and backgrounds only deteriorate the crop.

Sesame crop production

Sesame is a crop of important food crops in Egypt
Where it enters in the industry tahini and halva and many of the desserts and some pharmaceutical industries
On the other hand is the sesame crop of the most important summer crops that yield an attractive return to agriculture and to achieve the highest productivity of this crop on the farm must be used seeds selected from the Ministry of Agriculture as well as to follow the recommendations technical and agricultural derived Alarushdat
Category recommended in Egypt
Average yield per hectare depends of sesame on the basis of product and provide the ministry Almnzera seed varieties selected from above
Giza 32
A class lacking branching and may carry some Nabataat a branch or branches and is characterized by strongly borne disease paralysis (Alsbol) and a higher average yield per hectare for local varieties (5, - 1)
He also holds a big fruit in every Abott and paper, and the fruit does not fully bloom until after the fall of Warraq and transport the crop to Manshar
Suitable land
Largesse of sesame cultivation in the land of light yellow and yellow mud and good drainage

Not suitable cultivation in saline or alkaline soil, and can be grown in sandy soil after the addition of 35 to 45 cubic meters of compost and good irrigation water escapes

The preparation of infant for agriculture
Must take care of the processing of the ground and nail polish and weeding in-service and pre-plant, where grass grows faster than the sesame plants in the first stage of her life.
And get rid of weeds during this period increases the strength of special plants and seedling
In addition to maintain the number of plants in the acre, and therefore preferred to give Rhee As in soil infested with grass and get rid of them when conducting ground service

Sowing date

The best deadline for sesame cultivation period from mid-April to the end of May, and early or delay it to die Akhvad acre rate

Seed rate

Needs to acre (3-4) kg seed in the case of agriculture and handbags may confuse seeds with fine sand to ensure the distribution of seeds at Planting

Cultivation of forage alfalfa

Alfalfa is a perennial forage crops from the soil by saying the leaves in the ground 3-5 years, a good proportion of feed for high productivity and contain a high proportion of protein in addition to the high degree Astsaghth and its high digestibility.
Alfalfa has a high capacity to adapt to different types of soils and weather conditions. In the UK, is a major forage crop alfalfa and types of local features to its susceptibility to cope with high temperatures and high soil salinity and the best soils for cultivation is a light clay soil with good drainage, or sandy clay containing a low percentage of dissolved salts, alkalinity 6.5 to 7.5.

1 - the cradle of seed processing:
Are processing the soil for cultivation Bhrattha plowing at least one tiller Alzenberki at a depth of 30-40 cm, and is cracking blocks mud-large by the harrow, and then after that is the process of settlement of the soil surface by machinery of the settlement, as there should not be places of low resulting in pools of water in the field causing problems with root rot should also be under the soil surface loose enough to allow infiltration of water over long distances, which ensures good root formation. In the system of flood irrigation should be settling basins and flatten and strengthened.

2 - Planting Date:
Can be planted alfalfa in Arutin year: first in October and November and the other in February and March, is the cultivation of alfalfa in the fall in the months of October and November is better than planting in the spring in February and March is usually alfalfa grown in the fall, stronger than the clover seasons other As the cold winter months to ensure the survival of plants in good condition until the spring planting of alfalfa in the spring are more prone to failure as the temperature may rise unexpectedly to 25 degrees higher installed, which weakens the germination process and therefore weakens productivity.

3 - the rate of agriculture:
For fodder production under irrigation system, the central recommended rate of seeding 35-40 kg per hectare of seed vitality high if agriculture machines underline the regular and any amount more than 40 kilograms per hectare from the seeds of a high dynamic not be a real impact on production is up cultivation of the field twice Mtaamd used each time the rate of sowing 20 kg per hectare in the case of the use of Albmarp air like Albmarp (Rapid), it is sufficient at sowing 30 kg per hectare and in the quality of seeds obtained by the farmer be of vital degrees, he recommended taking the following formula as a guide to determine the amount of seed true that you must use:

The recommended amount of seed (35-40 kg per ha) = amount of seed to be used
Rate × percentage of purity of vital
Example: If a farmer has decided to use the 35 kilometers in grams per hectare and you get the seeds of purity 95% and 90% by the vitality, the seed to be used effectively equal to:
35 ÷ 95% × 90% = 40,9 kg ha
Must be careful in the use of clover seed treatment with bacteria Streptococcus in order to reduce the later of the quantities of urea fertilizer that the plant needs.

4 - fertilization:
To determine the proper dose of fertilizer should be required to first take a sample of soil and irrigation water to a specialized laboratory. After determine the number of elements in the soil laboratory estimated amounts necessary to add artificial fertilizers and in any case it is customary in the Kingdom of the addition of fertilizer at the following rates:
- Agriculture is by scattering 50 kilograms of fertilizer (DAP).
- Within two months after planting (the month of November and December):
A - add 100 kg per hectare of urea to activate the bacteria Streptococcus.
B - add 30 liters per hectare of the compound acid 8:52:2.
T - Add the elements of a rare rate of 3 kg per hectare.
- In February prose is 100 kilograms per hectare of urea fertilizer.
- And then after that is after all the desolation of adding 1 as a hectare of trace elements and 10 liters per hectare fertilizer acid 8:52:2 (in two) In the case of Streptococcus suis is not successful it must after all the desolation of the add 100 per hectare as urea fertilizer.

5 - Ctja v water:
In the first week of agriculture needs alfalfa soil moist, and it must run the machine gun on a permanent basis until the germination of seeds and after germination maintains the program irrigate regularly so that the proportion of moisture in the field for 20% and not continue to wilt leaves for more than 24 hours taking into account the count m confused between stress resulting from lack of water and between the drooping leaves in the afternoon due to excessive transpiration. to use water more than necessary causing the loss of water and encourages the growth of harmful Alaasha b is caused to encourage the growth of fungal diseases.

6 - weed control:

After plowing the field, before planting the seeds of alfalfa Rhee preferably a few days to grow the seeds of weeds and the remnants of the previous crop grain remaining in the soil. After this process of plant breeding is cut Alaasha b germinated by harrow. And can repeat this process back v Mra T to get rid of a large as possible from the seeds of Alaasha b in the soil. After agriculture may show some herbal plants in the field are one of the control herbicides such as specialized pesticide (Sankor) of herbs and pesticide petition (Imatrani) for the high grass.

7 - the most important insects:
A - Manna and struggling to use a systemic pesticide such as Aldaimothwait.
B - earthworms papers and Sousse papers and recommended the use of pesticide Alcyprmitrin rate of half a liter per hectare and shall not provide fodder for cattle sprayed only after a period of prohibition is recommended by the manufacturer.

8 - the most important diseases:
The most important diseases are leaf clover mosaic Zoghbi and white flour and white and rust and can be controlled using fungicides occasion.

9 - Harvest:
Is usually Bamahcp hand-holdings or small machine to the holdings of large and harvested alfalfa when the proportion of flowering and 10% and stop irrigation a few days before the harvest to dry the field and facilitate the process of harvesting can be obtained at 10-12's share in the year between 25-35 days between cutting and the other. To regain the growth of alfalfa should be cut so that leaves 50-10 centimeters above the soil surface.

10 - fodder production:
Average forage production within the limits of 115 tons per hectare green feed or 20-22 tons of dry forage per year from 10-12 inhospitable. Animal Nutrition and on the alfalfa alone causes emphysema, which may lead to the death of the animal so it is advisable to add another feed with alfalfa to avoid bloat.

Dates and health benefits

Dates or dates or wet or Albesr is the fruit of palm trees, the fruit of summer scattered than the scope in the Arab world. Divided by strength-Balah, a dry-Balah (Dates), which contains a high degree of sugar, half dry dates (Pressed), and soft-Balah and varies in color between yellow and red.
Balah richness of natural sugars, reaches (glucose) to 70% of its components, a rapid absorption of sugars and easy representation in the body, supplying the body with a capacity of 3470 calories per 1 kg.
Fmaip grams of dates contain:
• (40 - 72 mg phosphorus and 65-71 mg calcium) important to the formation of bones and teeth and nerve tissue.
• 790 mg potassium is important for the physiology of different cells.
• 150 mg magnesium task of voluntary muscles.
• 2 - 4 mg iron.
• 9 mg sodium.
• 65 mg sulfur.
• 28 mg chloride.
• 3 mg chlorine.
• Vitamins A, D, B and B2.
In el-Balah worth twice as much food in the types of meat value, and three times higher than in fish from the nutritional value where the protein is estimated at 1.9% - 2%.
Is made from molasses, dates, juices and jams, and added to ice cream and baby food instead of sugar, and brings in the manufacture of soft drinks and alcohol and vinegar.
Contains a substance caution wet uterine contractions and increase the contraction, especially during childbirth, {This article OXYTOCIN oxytocin-like substance secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland PITUITARY GLAND, and help to make a contraction in the uterus}.
When The labor to Mary, and August to a palm tree Vadaha caller to tell her to shake the trunk of The Palm-based it to eat from the wet fallout, as stated in the Koran, (and shake the trunk of the palm to fall fresh ripe dates upon * I feel very much and drink and villages in kind), (Mary 25 - 26).
According to ancient medicine: {in el-Balah cooler and stiffness, a benefit of the mouth and gums and the stomach, but Albesr is hot dry and Ibsa more of free dry humidity, and tanning the stomach and locked up the abdomen and to benefit the gums and mouth and Onfh what was fragile and sweet and the large number of eating and eating dates occurs Sudd in the gut}.

Cultivation of tomatoes in open land

Been talking elsewhere in this forum for the production of seedlings of tomatoes and Valencia will now pick up the tomato in practice, God willing.

The beginning of tomatoes grown in three main lugs and daylight saving indigo (autumn) and winter seasons and is happening there in tomatoes is below the yield can be explained as follows:

** While tomatoes are grown during the months of high temperatures reduced yield and that's: 1
1 - corresponding to high temperature plants at flowering and contract as temperatures ranging from 30-37 m and for increased if it would cause the Goths flowers and low fruit set ..
*** The most suitable temperature for fruit set in 1917 is night and day in 1923 and the high temperature of 30 lead to the fall of the flowers by 50%
2 - fruit injury Blvhp sun Mmaesid with losses in crop
To avoid it is recommended to:
A - heat-tolerant varieties such as high and you will see me some camel.
B - tomato spaces rather narrow so that the growth of vegetation to protect the fruits from sunburn.
C - Attention to nitrogen and potassium fertilization.

** While tomatoes are grown in the month of June, July and August and low yield due in the loop for the following reasons:
1 - Mutalkthir from seedling to the high temperature
2 - Thir absence of plants after transplanting
3 - severe injury Balzbabp white spread at such a time Mmaidjal Asabpelvirsip plants are vulnerable.

To reduce that take into account the shading of seedlings and hardening of the seedlings before transfer of the land and interest in sustainable Baltrgia early to ensure that the disparity of growth.
For white fly will be our last interview, God willing, all the different ways to Mqhumicha

** When agriculture during the months of October and November offset fruits low temperatures lead to the failure of the contract and the fall of the flowers ..
If you must take into account the temperature in all seasons and stages of growth:
Germination of seeds from 16-26 m to less than 1911 and not more than 1934
Vegetative growth of 21-24 m to less than 1918 and not more than in 1932.
Fruit set 14-17 m to less than 10 and not more than 20 m (night)
19-24 m to less than 1918 and not more than 30 m (day)
Red coloring from 20-24 m to less than 10 meters and not more than 30 m.

The most important considerations and general guidelines to be observed when installing the diets of cattle

The most important considerations and general guidelines to be observed when installing the diets of cattle

Affected by the production process of domestic animals on two factors, namely:
1 - Legacy Group USA: It is a total hereditary structures that determine the productivity and the formal qualities of the animal
2 - Environmental Working Group: includes factors that surround the animal and its impact, namely:
3 - nutrition factor: The most important factors affecting production
4 - working accommodation: this includes the fold of the animal and secured from the health conditions of temperature and humidity, ventilation and cleanliness and thus animal welfare
5 - pathogens: bacterial, fungal, viral, of their negative impact on production
And to show the full capabilities Alorthip potential of the animal is not necessary to secure the ideal environmental conditions, especially nutrition, which is the most important factors at all
We will review the animal feed in this lecture

Chemical composition of the feed material

Dry feed material is composed entirely of the following vehicles:
1 - the metal: and include metal salts, micro-(iron. Cobalt. Manganese. Magnesium. .......... Iodine, etc.) and major (calcium. Phosphorus. ........ Potassium, etc.) They constitute the ash when burning a food item until the stability of weight.

2 - organic material: This includes:
A - nitrogen compounds (protein, the real - non-protein nitrogen)
B - Vehicles carbohydrates: sugars (single and double and triple) and complex (starch and Alsllowes)
C - Grease: real (solid fats and oils) and complex (cholesterol)
D - Vehicle dynamic (effective): vitamins, enzymes

To judge the value of any feed material of the destination food it is not enough knowledge of the chemical analysis and assessment of the content of nutrients known chemical methods, but rather must know the digestibility of this article, and thus use a standard food

Food standards used to estimate the values ​​of ruminant feed, food standards are used to express the act of nutrients in the animal body and in the evaluation of feed ingredients and nutritional value in knowledge production, and in the comparison between them has emerged a set of patterns to estimate the values ​​of food and most important:
1 - Total indigestible food ingredients TDN:
TDN = protein digested + Alkrbuhedrat indigestible + indigestible fiber + fat digested X 2.25.

1 g TDN = 4.41 kcal.
2 - equivalent to the pattern of starch EA: based on the estimate of the energy value of food to the proportional relationship between what they contain undigested food components and between the amount of energy retained by the animal tissues and proven in the form of fat is essential.
And does not reflect here about the net energy per kilo calorie of food, but attributed to the net energy of starch and is 2.36 kcal / g for the so-called equivalent starch EA.

EA = EA / 2.36 kg starch / 100 g food.

3 - modern patterns: the European Union adopted two types of animal production to estimate the values ​​of food energy:
1 - the pattern of net energy for milk production.
2 - stretching the net energy for maintenance and meat production capacity in megabytes NEL Gul.
Adopted the pattern of protein digested in the small intestine to estimate the values ​​of food protein

The importance of the balance of types of carbohydrates in the diet:

The balanced diet for compounds of carbohydrates is a prerequisite for the growth and proliferation and the activity of bacteria in the rumen, because any imbalance in the rates and specifications of carbohydrates in the diet leads to an imbalance in the acid medium of the rumen and this imbalance leads to disorder in the function of rumen bacteria.
When increased amounts of carbohydrates are easy to digest (concentrated feed - starches easy decomposition) lead to a drop in pH and this is not appropriate for the life of bacteria in the rumen and its activity and hamper the process of fermentation of natural science that bacteria rumen need to the amount of sugar and starch are easy to digest unnecessary vitality However, it must not exceed the amount of 8-12% of the total dry matter.
Therefore it is necessary the availability of crude fiber in the diet (cellulose - Imoselloz), where these fibers are digested in the rumen and the microbial fermentation and volatile fatty acids results in the following order of the speed of absorption:
1 - acetic acid.
2 - acid butter.
3 - propionic acid.
Dry feed (hay and good) to increase the proportion of acetic acid improved the fat
Green herbs propionic acid milk sugar
Concentrated feed acid butter a major source of energy

The proportion of volatile fatty acids resulting from fermentation of carbohydrates and fat in the rumen to some of them are not fixed and varies according to the installation of the bush, handled the animal diet rich in fiber raw leads to increase the proportion of acetic acid, while addressing the diet with high content of starch (high content of concentrate) the amount of volatile fatty acids generally increases, the percentage of acetic acid to propionic acid and low acid butter.
The optimum ratio between acetic acid and propionic acid for the production of milk should be 5: 1 and can be reduced when the calves to 2: 1 and can be achieved by using diets containing a percentage of crude fiber to dairy cows for fattening calves 12-15%.
The high content of fat diet has the same effect of increasing feed easy to digest and rich in starch which leads to a decrease in the digestion of cellulose thus increasing propionic acid.
Ruminating process: This process is essential and necessary for ruminants for the following reasons

1 - while taking feed is not cut and it is done during the process of Ruminating.
2 - secretion of saliva in cattle continues, but the major amount excreted during the process and Ruminating is necessary to modify the acidity of the rumen.
Affected by the process of installing Ruminating bush to a large degree as the increase in the amount of concentrated feed easy digestion leading to a decrease in the process of Ruminating and thus to a decrease in the amount of saliva glands and the increase in the acidity of the rumen, leading to rumen pH (acid and Zeiss).

The effects of diet in the acidity of the rumen:

1 - diets rich in fiber raw 60-100% filler feed:

*- Rumination continues for a long time and a large amount of secretion of saliva.
*- The pH of the rumen PH = 6-6.8 high concentration of propionic acid and slow absorption.
*- Central rumen bacteria suitable for the loose cellulose.
*- Content of high-fat milk.
*- Diets rich in forage Centre 30-35% filler feed:
*- Rumination lasts for a short time and the secretion of a small amount of saliva.
1 - a decrease in pH of rumen PH = 5.5 - 6.
2 - content of low fat milk.

In the event that the amount of energy is not sufficient, the less microbial protein synthesis despite the presence of a sufficient quantity of protein and nitrogen-bearing materials.
Microbial balance in the analysis of protein and nitrogen-bearing materials up to provide the optimal level when the diets containing 16% crude protein and energy content of 600 units of starch / kg.
The lifting of the content of the diet of protein above 16% does not mean securing a larger amount of animal protein, but a mean increase in the amount of ammonia in the rumen and to stress in the liver and is forced to the health of the animal.

Feedstuffs and the terms used in nutrition
Materials are classified according to forage chemical composition and the method used in three main groups:
1 - set feed coarse (filler):
The proportion of crude fiber in which more than (18-20%) and include:
A - fresh green feed: such as alfalfa. Clover. Vetch green. Corn. Sugar beet leaves and crowns. Silage. Remnants of vegetation and plant leaves.
B - dry feed: such as hay. Straw. Ohtab corn. Cottonseed. Peel.

2 - A group concentrated feed:
Where the proportion of crude fiber not more than (10-20%) and be:
Vegetable origin:
A - energy-rich foods: for example,
- Grassy grains (maize. Yellow. Barley. Oats)
Wheat bran. Dregs of beer. Alco rarely spat B - a protein-rich: such as:
- Grain legumes (beans. Aljelbanp. Walker years. More)
- Waste oils, such as factories Alocassap (cotton cake, shelled and non-
Hulled sesame and soy) and the sugar mills (molasses)
a. Animal origin: remnants of dairy plants, fish, slaughterhouses and meat and remnants of the poultry industry (and which is used currently waste remaining in the wards after the end of the production cycle is made up of these waste mainly from glaucoma which a proportion of / 60% / and of Article mattress core ( Sawdust is often), which is roughly equivalent to / 31% / of the waste, where there are also remnants of feed given to poultry by about 3% and feathers falling by 2% and various other materials related to the rate of 2% of the waste
The poultry waste is rich in protein and minerals essential, such as calcium and phosphorus and is considered an essential nutrient for animals in poor areas of food, the percentage of dry matter to 85% and the proportion of crude protein up to 25% and the proportion of crude fiber up to 16.8% and ash 17.5 % fat and 3.2%.)

Group feed additives:
They include the materials added to the mix to offset the feed mix is ​​divided into: metal supplements - vitamin supplements - supplements specialized (to improve the exchange of materials or prevention of disease or to raise the quality of feed and improve the appearance and taste

We must consider the following when you use concentrated feed in the diet of cows:
• The amount of concentrated feed used on the production of milk and consumed feed fillers.
• The quality concentrate feed should be provided in the diet on the type and quality of feed filler used in nutrition.

The choice of materials for the feed composition of economic diet:
To configure the bush economic productivity of raw materials should be chosen carefully and accurate and based on the unit price of energy and protein and not on the basis of the price of the article:
The unit price of energy price = 100 kg feed ÷ number of units of energy in 100 kg
The unit price of protein = 100 kg feed rate ÷ number of units of protein in 100 kg

Specifications bush good:
The most important specifications and conditions of installation of the diet are:
1. Cover the entire need of animal protein and energy, elements and mineral salts and vitamins.
• ensure the restoration of the body and keep it ....( portfolio diet)
• ensure adequate growth and natural cow boys ... (diet growth)
• guarantee the preservation of good health status of cattle
• ensure the production of milk and meat on an economic basis through .. (productivity)
Exploit the full power of hereditary milk production
Milk production in terms of the attributes of a good proportion of fat and protein.
*- Guarantee the achievement of breeding and natural breeding.
*- Ensure access to good birth weight and general health status and size .....( diet pregnancy)
(Good fertilization, pregnancy and reproduction within the normal periods)
*- Be balanced in terms of content of protein and energy, minerals and salts and vitamins.
*- Contain sufficient quantities of feed fiber-rich coarse fillers such as: green fodder. .. Hay silage
These would be the basis of the feed components of the diet dry matter and would be addressed by the cow from these feeds at least
35% of the total amount of dry matter intake in order to avoid digestive and metabolic disorders and thus insuring the work of functional natural and good for the stomach as well as ensuring the production of milk attributes of a good private-fat ratio
*- That all feed within the feed free of pollutants and toxic effects of disease and Aallnip.
*- Be palatable and pleasant to the cows.
*- Do not have any effect on the taste and smell of milk.
*- Be low cost and economic returns to lead a good economic
General principles to be implemented when feeding ruminants
To be an economic payoff and proper nutrition is essential for farmers to follow the following
1 - acquisition of good breeds, because production depends mainly on genetic traits.
2 - animal health care and protection from diseases and parasites to get the best results of nutrition.
3 - Choose a diet appropriate for each animal separately and given quantities to ensure maximum access to the end of the various production without an increase or decrease.
4 - will be given Aliqth and watering the animal in a timely manner and taking into account the cleanliness of the barn, ventilation, etc. ..............
5 - the provision of green forage throughout the year so that the manufacture of feed hay or silage in the months where there is no green fodder
6 - animal exposure to the sun directly without having to be booked within the barns during the day .....( vitamin D)
7 - must be available to the breeder tables analysis for the food and feed materials that has the ability to read and use in the composition of diets.
8 - dependence in the composition of the diet as much as possible on the feed materials are cheap and at the same time achieving the requirements of the food.
9 - must be a dry matter resulting from the Forage Extenders coarse involved in the composition of the mixture ratio of not less than 30-35% of the amount of total dry in the bush and to secure the required percentage of crude fiber for the work of the rumen natural and to avoid digestive disorders, metabolic and to achieve the specifications good milk output especially on the proportion of fat.
10 - You should always use good coarse feed and exclude the bad and rotten ones.
11 - make sure of the weight of all feed materials used in the formation and observance of the bush to use them within the allowable ratio.
12 - not to alter any of the materials within the feed ration in the first half of the milking season.
13 - in the event of having to switch some of the materials within the feed ration is done gradually and not immediately as may be caused by disorders of the digestive and metabolic (puff - glut) and a decline in milk production and low fertility.
14 - Do not use feed materials have an impact on the health of cows.
15 - Do not use feed materials have an undesirable effect on the taste and texture of milk.
16 - the use of appetite and feed material palatable to the cows.
17 - Aliqp need to complete the constituent minerals and vitamins and agreed that the required and the correct proportions.
18 - away from the waste and make sure the intake of cows for the entire amount allocated to them.
19 - Nutrition is by levels of production and installation of Bolaf Good
20 - not to increase the amount of concentrate feed when you do not increase the amount of milk because that would lead to economic loss and an increase in metabolic disorders and diseases.
21 - prefer to secure the green forage throughout the year because it believes in good health of the herd and milk production costs less.
22 - does not provide green fodder at one in the manger, but must put in two or three or more
23 - should not be given an incomplete alfalfa growth because they lead to emphysema.
24 - alfalfa does not provide a dewy look after cows and do not leave in the morning dew on the fields, but must make a little hay before the cows out to pasture so as to avoid bloat.
25 - non-use of green maize in the first period of growth are the same toxic effect and you can use after drying.
26 - prefer to cut corn stalks before they are submitted for the cows.
27 - does not give the cabbage leaves and broccoli a large amount in excess of 10 kg per day because it leads to giving the milk smell and the taste is acceptable and can cause colic for the cows.
28 - thrones carrots good for the cows and the effect that the clutch is light but give huge amounts of it to give milk, green
29 - can take advantage of the thrones of the potato in feeding cattle, provided that the plants begin Basferrar, because the small thrones containing a toxic substance.
30 - Do not give large amounts of cows from alien thrones potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, because they cause few milk yield and diarrhea.
31 - non-use of Thrones infected fungal diseases because they cause mucoid discharge liquid from the mouth and show tumors in the legs of cattle and infected sores.
32 - sugar beet leaves are used in a limited way in nutrition because they cause diarrhea of ​​cattle and can be given a rate of 10 kg per adult cow plus 50 g limestone powder.
33 - should be dried cow before 60 days from birth and not to give the cow feed the center and that the injection-quarters of the udder Basarat drying protects cows from the alien infection in the udder of next season.
34 - The increase in dry cattle feed lead to a decrease in milk production in the coming season and lack of fertility and damage to health (HIV sugar), and any increase in costs and therefore loss of material.

The nutritional needs of cattle

1 - bovine before the process of developing the production of milk from the old (0) and until the last month of pregnancy:
Month-old average weight (kg) daily requirements (portfolio + growth)
Dry matter (kg) starch equivalent (g) digested protein (N)
0 - 3702-31400 290
3 - 61403-52200 340
6 - 122204-62200 370
12 - 183006-82800 430
18 - 244007-93100 470
Last Month Download 4507-94300 800
Cows producing milk:
Gallery: 100 kg live weight you need to: 545-580 g starch equivalent
50-70 g protein digested
Productivity: the production of 1 kg milk fat increased by 3.5% needs to be: 265 g equivalent starch 55 g protein digested
Growth: Cow Milking in the first season you need every day to: 700 g starch equivalent 350 g protein digested
Cow Milking in the second season you need: 260 g starch equivalent
130 g protein digested
Download: In the eighth month are given the cow diet as if it produces 5 kg milk

In the ninth month given cow diet like milk produces 10 kg
- Estimated rations portfolio of minerals for cattle per 100 kg live weight:
4-6 g calcium and 2.5 - 3 g phosphorus and 5 g salt
Estimated rations of the necessary minerals to produce 1 kg milk:
2 - 2.5 g calcium, phosphorus, 2 g 2 g salt and 10000 IU vitamin A

The amount of bush on the basis of dry matter per day: 100 kg live weight you need
5.2 to 5.3 kg dry matter / day (5.2 to 5.3% of body weight)
And is calculated as follows: the amount of dry matter fully covered by the Animal = (0.025 × body weight) + (0.1 × the amount of milk)

Requirements for fattening calves
Divided into three stages of the fattening stages:
M phase of calf weight (kg)
1 Stage I 100-200
2 Phase II 200-300
3 Phase III 300-400

And determine the daily food requirements of the calf in grams for an increase in weight 900 g per day as follows:
Phase weight
Kg dry matter starch equivalent crude protein digested protein calcium, phosphorus sodium vitamin
The international unit of vitamin
International Unit
First 100-200 4500 2400 600 415 40 20 4 10000 1000
Sec 200-300 6000 3700 760 492 40 20 6 15000 1500
Third 300-400 8000 4800 874 542 40 20 8 20000 2000

The installation of three feed mixtures fattening calves (which is untested) for fattening stages as follows:
Article first phase a second phase of a third phase
Barley, 677 280
Wheat bran 18.5 1515
Earners cotton shell 15 10:50
Limestone 2:52 a
Salt 0.5 0.5 0.5
Total 100
These mixtures were analyzed to know the nutritional value shows the following:
First phase a second phase of a third phase
Dry matter% 89.5 89.8 90.4
Starch equivalent 65.6% 66.6 67.8
T.D.N% 75.5 76.6 77.9
Crude protein% 14.9 14.1 12.1
Digested protein 11.4% 10.6 8.9
Calcium 1.08% 0.89 0.51
Phosphorus% 0.41 0.39 0.35
Sodium% 0.22 0.22 0.22

It is proposed to give the calf a day during each stage of fattening the following quantities of feed (kg):
Stage the amount of concentrate feed amount of quantity of feed hay White College during the phase
First 41 445
II 52 555
Third 6.5 2.5 720
Total 1720