Planter les premières pommes de terre

Planter les premières pommes de terre

La pomme de terre, ou patate (langage familier, canadianisme et français régional), est un tubercule comestible produit par l'espèce Solanum tuberosum, appartenant à la famille des solanacées. Le terme désigne également la plante elle-même, plante herbacée, vivace par ses tubercules en l'absence de gel mais cultivée comme une plante annuelle.

Sequencing the genomes of wheat rust and poplar

The genomes of fungi causing wheat stem rust and leaf rust of poplar have been decoded and analyzed by an international consortium involving researchers from INRA, CNRS, French universities and research centers in the U.S., "INRA announced Tuesday in a statement.

This analysis reveals the presence of a large number of genes (over 16,000) in these two biotrophic fungi (they feed on their host plants while keeping them alive). Of these, more than half correspond to new genes not previously identified in other species.

Types of honey bees

Mountain honey
MOUNTAINY HONEY high for his wife - would prefer to use in diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, anemia
And general weakness, diabetes, surgery and burns and anti-viral liver and liver cancer and useful in the treatment of addiction and benefit pregnant women and infants

Honey mountain HANON
Used honey mountain bitter for diabetes and to treat liver and gall bladder infections and diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Proved to be a kilo of it is equivalent to 12 kg of vegetables, as it contains vitamins that he'd be diagnosed with cancer and useful for the treatment of patients with AIDS, heart disease and inflammation of the liver and gall bladder.

Honey wild flowers DESERT HONEY
Used in weight loss works is to compensate for the lost body of vitamins and proteins and mineral salts during the process of slimming and used in the treatment of sore throat, cough and improve the ability to see and treat nervous headaches and prevent eczema, psoriasis and impetigo and boils.

Honey halva Bur ALFA HONEY
Is used to treat kidney disease and inflammation of the bladder and ureter as it helps to break up kidney stones and bladder.

Of the most important components Alljnon and material useful in cases of cough and lung infections and strengthening the immune system and strengthen the heart muscle and keeping blood sugar and stimulate circulation.


Useful to lump the abdomen and excessive gas, and urinary tract infections and reproductive and general vulnerability, headache, cough and to treat anemia and inflammation of the pharynx

Sidr honey NABK HONEY
Useful in diseases of the liver and digestive system, anemia and general weakness and diabetes and is useful for wounds antiseptic for wounds and helps to speed PINK

Treatment of mouth sores and pain of the gums and teeth and prevent tooth decay, rich with powerful antibiotics sterilize the mouth and eliminate harmful bacteria is also useful in disorders and indigestion

Terror clover honey
(Shirt first)
Is a material with high nutritional value and is easy to be absorbed preventive and regulate the blood sugar so it is useful for adults, children and diuretic - jet and relieves the respiratory system and treatment of diarrhea.)

It is like coriander, mint, chamomile, anise, cumin, caraway is essential oils flying high value such as Allitalul so useful in the treatment of contractions of the stomach and intestines and the treatment of swelling and helps in digestion and intestinal infections, gastrointestinal tract and in the prevention of constipation and is useful in pre-eclampsia and repelling gas and expectorant

STRAWBERY HONEY Honey Strawberry
Paperboard and tonic for the immunity and is used to treat anemia, as he was an anti-fatigue, physical, mental and easy to be absorbed so it is the athletes.

Honey sesame SESAME HONEY
Useful in cases of inflammation of the larynx and trachea as it is useful in cases of constipation and objection to hardening of the arteries.

Useful in expanding arteries and control blood pressure also is useful in the treatment of Alzheimer's and is considered as a general tonic

Contains - Treats - and Alzyistkhaddm for the treatment of insomnia and nerves and inflammation of the bronchial tubes and treatment of colic and muscle contraction and cough.

Honey basil BASIL HONEY
Useful in calming nerves and tension and depression and treatment of migraine as useful in joint pain and muscle cramps

Works on balancing the body's exchange of food because it contains vitamin B-6 as it is useful in cases of cough, insomnia and heart palpitations and calming the nervous system

Honey citrus ORANGE HONEY
High proportion of vitamins, especially vitamin c - and therefore resistant
Cases of influenza and colds, nervous system and blood pressure

General tonic
High amount of iron is important for children especially during the period of growth and increases the number and size of red blood cells and white

Contains a high content of mineral salts and iron and it helps to improve the functioning of the nervous system
And strengthening the eyes

Useful in cases of asthma and sensitivity of the chest and dysmenorrhea in women
Kabdo and relieve the pain and calming the nerves, and digestive system ulcer, and also regulate the secretion of bile and gastric acidity.

Contains a high content of mineral salts and iron
And vitamins which help to build healthy cells ..

Honey banana BANANA HONEY
Contains a good proportion of iron, copper, manganese, potassium and zinc and is therefore useful in cases of anemia, chronic diarrhea and nutrition of children and pregnancies with bread works to increase the weight and in cases of liver and gallbladder has a powerful effect as he has a good effect to open the appetite and recommended the addition of honey to feed preterm infants.

Eucalyptus honey CAMPHOR HONEY
Used in the treatment of diseases of the chest and uses the treatment of rheumatic diseases and reduces cholesterol in the blood - works to strengthen the heart muscle - works to strengthen the blood vessels.

Dilute the pain of arthritis and rheumatism and is useful for treating wounds and burns and is used as a mask for the renewal of epidermal cells.

Benefits of honey bees

Proved to be one kilo of honey benefit the body as a meat vendor as 3.5 or 12 as vegetables or 5 as milk

Compensation sugars consumed the body due to physical or mental effort in order to contain the easy absorption of glucose and fructose representation of the body and slow absorption, which keeps blood sugar

Article curative, preventive and high nutritional value are useful for children and adults alike, it does not stay in the stomach long as it's fast digestion and is absorbed quickly into the lymphatic system to reach the blood

Treatment of digestive disorders it increases the activity of the intestines and does not cause fermentation for patients with gastrointestinal tract and cause irritation to the walls of the digestive channels and works to stimulate the process of tissue metabolism and makes the output easy

Cancels the impact of excess acidity in the stomach will prevent ulcers of the stomach and duodenum

Be mixed with honey and pollen and royal jelly paint Nafie
(To relieve pain - to speed up the healing of tissues in all types of wounds - an anti-bacteria, bacteria and fungi)
For containing the (Alinhpin formic acid)

Treatment of chronic hepatitis and inflammation of the gall bladder and help in the dismantling of Hsoadtha by eating every day
(Honey - pollen)

Honey works to treat heart disease and strengthen the heart muscle for the presence of glucose and honey, which nourish the heart muscle - Almwtmrataby the world of the physiology of members 1901 each day (100-150 gm)

Poor infrastructure and treatment of anemia and raise the proportion of hemoglobin in blood and increase the weight of vulnerable children, rich with
(Vitamin B 12 and vitamin C)

Relieve insomnia and help you sleep rapid Pacific

Is used to treat nervous headaches and inflammation nervous because it contains (vitamin B 1)

Treatment of rheumatism and arthritis (honey, pollen and royal jelly)

Resistance of sexual impotence and infertility

Works to improve the growth of bones and teeth and prevent the risk of rickets for children as it includes the (calcium and phosphorus)

Remover is good for soothing cough potential impact of inflammation of the tonsils and throat

Useful in cases of difficulty of ingestion, dry throat and dry cough

Useful in feeding patients in convalescence and the role of anti-aging in the case of coma

Benefit pregnant women during pregnancy, childbirth and works Alyalaj vomiting and strengthen the contractions of the uterus during childbirth and useful for children when teething

Prevent cancer and heart where surgery can not cure brain cancer http only then after the cessation of unwieldy nature of community organization in one area so that it can Istosalh and has succeeded in doing so (honey and cumin)

Honey is considered anti-bleeding bloody and preserves the blood alkaline, which helps to overcome stress, rich with (vitamin K)

Help to improve the ability to sight as it includes the (vitamin B2)

Alolthbat addresses and prevents skin diseases occur as it includes the (vitamin B 3)

Works to resist microbes aureus and Streptococcus addresses ulcer (bed - cancer - Tropical ..)

Balakzmia prevent injury and herpes, psoriasis, boils, rich with (Vitamin E)

Very useful for Olthbat pulmonary and respiratory diseases, colds and tuberculosis with milk

Honey is considered successful treatment of neurological diseases and honey is also a very successful treatment for addiction

Very useful for the skin of women where he works on nail polish and reduce wrinkles by

Treatment of Rift Valley Fever (honey Nigella sativa)

Honey very successful treatment for burns and Althbat sweat glands and anthrax offices and inflammation of the mammary gland

Treatment of chest diseases such as asthma, chronic colds and other large to fit on (magnesium materials extended to the people)

Treatment and prevention of phlegm is formed in the lungs, especially when smokers

Treatment of infections of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and kidney stones (honey - pollen - the bees glue)

Treatment of menstrual pain and contraction of the uterus and pre-eclampsia and is used in the treatment of breast cancer

Treatment of infections of the gums, tongue, tooth decay and cracked lips, rich with (fluorine)

Lowers blood sugar diabetes
(The presence of fructose and its Alzylaihtaj Insulin for combustion contains a substance similar to Alonsoliyn to rein in blood sugar)

The prevention of night blindness and infections of the cornea and conjunctiva and the edge of the eyelid and chronic inflammation of the cornea as it includes the (vitamin A)

Help in the process of representation of the protein and maintaining the balance of exchange within the tissues of the food it contains (vitamin B 6)

Prevention of the disease scurvy, and damage to heart muscle, especially as it includes the (vitamin C)

Addresses the honey mixed with pollen blood thinners and helps Tjlth for containing the (vitamin K)

Alonumeia prevention and malignant diseases of the liver and pancreas, it contains (folic acid)

The prevention of hair loss and egg-white and peptic ulcers channels for containing the (vitamin B 3)

Prevention of polio, poor memory and disease pellagra, rich with (vitamin B 5)

Regulate metabolism and the prevention of shortage of hemoglobin, rich with (Vitamin E)

Addresses the honey with pollen allergies and allergy associated with severe asthma successfully

Treatment of infectious diarrhea in children and toxic increase in the number of red blood cells and white

Treatment of liver diseases and strengthen and prevent deposition of fat in it and improve and functions and to prevent the gravel alveoli bile

Treatment of poisoning and alcohol poisoning, eclampsia because it (has a calming effect on the phospholipids diuretic)

Treatment of heat stroke by applying honey on hair and used to treat skin irritation and spot paint the skin with honey and pollen

Anti-microbial resistance, severe (such as Salmonella - Staphylococcus - Mkrocox Bacillus ...)

Prevention of many diseases of the existence of substance (prostaglandins) and by the lack of it, which leads the body to be brought to many diseases

Used in the treatment of cancer as it contains honey is acidic (Alasinamek and Alcavic), where the affect on the DNA of the cancer cells only reverse chemicals that affect the cancer cells and healthy at the same time

Treatment of constipation and hemorrhoids paint topical honey and pollen and eating

For athletes
(A good source and easy access to energy and vitamins - with a distinctive taste and cuddly - maintain weight)

For children
(To gain weight - and protect them from many diseases - Treatment of Pediatric Caldosntarya and infectious diarrhea - Treatment of bedwetting - increase the proportion of hemoglobin in blood - raising the efficiency of the immune system disinfectant for the intestines laxative nice)
And beneficial for babies as strengthen their immune systems and reduces the security of enterovirus infection colic

Useful for nursing, where L that compensates for the lose of vitamins and mineral salts and sugars as it benefits the child where
(Increases milk production increases and the nutritional content of breast milk antibodies child support resistance to disease)

Used in weight loss has been proven scientifically that activates an anti-obesity hormone, the body is working to move the body fat

Strengthen the body's immune system, rich with
(Carotenoids and chlorophyll derivatives Alzanthovelat tannins)
It also works the previous articles as material anti-oxidant and anti-venom and anti-tumor and tumor

Honey Bees

Is the aromatic substance thick textures sweet result from collecting bees to nectar flowers and transferred to a thick liquid textures and in order to bring bee one kilogram of honey they move between flowers distance equivalent to 11 times as much as the Earth's circumference around the equator and the different types of honey depending on the source of nectar in terms of
(Color, taste, smell and ability to shape and density and alkaline and
There are other factors also affect the characteristics of honey such as the type of soil, air and other factors so it is rare for similar samples of honey, even if just one source Rahiqi

And produces the base color of the honey of the components are dissolved in the honey out of a vegetarian source of nectar is also affected by the color of honey is also temperature tend honey color to the color dark if heated up the temperature in the season nectar as honey mountain honey, lotus seeds, nigella and mountain-Murr (affectionate) has proven to that honey contains a large amount and variety of vitamins is also characterized by that it can save more vitamin components of fruits or vegetables.

Honey contains the following articles

Sugars such as group
(Glucose - fructose - Dquistrattrayoz - Ravuz - Melezim - Xtoz - Arloz Aizumltoz - Mmeltuluz - turanose - Nnigeroz - Maltuluz - Koajabioz - Nuotobwazz - Jontbioz - to Aminariboz - Melezim ........)

(B-1 Thiamin - Riboflavin B-2 - Pantothenic 3 - to 4 Necotiik - niacin at 5 - to 6 - to 8 - to 9 - Vitamin K - ascorbic c - beta carotene which is converted in the liver to vitamin A - Biotin H 0000)

Group enzymes
(Invertase - amylase - Alkataliz - phosphatase - a Gelokosidiz - Glucose Oxidase - B amylase)

Group minerals:
(Iron - Copper - Phosphorus - Magnesium - Sodium - Calcium - sulfur - would like - Manganese - potassium - silica - chlorine - Selene ... ... ...)

Group acids
(Citric acid - lactic - acetic - formic acid - butyric - tannic - oxalic ... ... ... ....)

Group proteins:
(Beptun - Alpimin - globulin - Nikilobrotin ... ... ... ... ..)

Honey bees natural tendency to crystallization at low temperature for the minimum temperature beehive, which is 20 degrees Celsius and vary the speed and the temperature of crystallization of each type of honey for the other type differ according to the source Rahiqy